Wellington is a small town, so get out of it
Ahem, Media Personality, and Prominent Local Citizen. We know that you are not each other’s spouses. Perhaps a rendezvous in Auckland might be more discreet? The Aucklandista has some reviews of an assortment of hotels that you might want to check out.
Invest in Your Future – and Beyond!
Don’t worry, I don’t mean like proper grown-up investments, but instead I wanted to give you a list of things coming up in the social calendar that you might want to save that last $[insert amount here] bucks for. I’ve recently become only semi-hardly-employed (anyone need a freelance editor/writer’s services?) and am slowly relearning the concept of selective socialising, for which advance warning is always good.
Read on for upcoming gigs, events and even some insider’s rumours….
A little challenge
The first person who can supply us with photographic evidence of any workmen in the city, operating heavy or noisy machinery, AND WEARING EAR PROTECTORS!!
Will win a 1kg bag of Rahui Lodge Macadamia Nuts.
But I’m not sure you’ll find one.
On the off-chance anyone wants a bag of nuts… photos of ear muff wearing Wellington workmen can be emailed to andrew.llewellyn@gmail.com.
And something else tonight worth a mention
The Cosbys are Auckland’s undisputed kings of Northern Soul — a hypercharged R&B revue thundering through uptown, downtown, deep soul, dance and ballad sounds, and most importantly, doing it with impeccable style.
Apparently dissatisfied with the grooveless, undersexed state of modern rock’n’roll, The Cosbys found the answer by smashing together four-on-the-floor Motown rhythms with a two-fisted Stax-style horn section and a singer — “Papa” Crawdaddy — who is so damn good he made James Brown just give up and die.
So cut loose, ladies and gentlemen — shake those hips, jive with the Hot Cosby Horns, be touched by “Papa”. Do the jerk, watch them work, do the Mashed Potato, do the Alligator. And do it on Cosby Street, or even better – tonight (Friday 18th April) at Mighty Mighty.
10pm – $5 – good times
Website here

Sure, it’s a bit late notice, but hey, what are you doing tonight? Don’t do that. Instead, you should come to THE RASSLIN! Doors at Wellington High open at 6.45pm for a 7.30pm start, but if you’re a first time goer and you need a support group, meet us at the Southern Cross from 5.30 for some stiffening drinks first. We’ll be the loud group wearing lots of purple in support for Purple Haze, “New Zealand’s Sexist Masked Man” ™. Seriously, I’m sure you don’t believe me, but wrestling is quite possibly the most awesome thing ever. Read my account of the last time I went if you need further convincing!
Congestion Charges – what do you think?
The Wellington Regional Council is considering charging all motorists who enter or leave Wellington during “rush hour”, a congestion fee.
The money raised will go towards improving the region’s buses and trains.
However, Mayor Kerry Prendergast is not keen on the idea at all. We’ll speculate here, that if the money raised was proposed for building a link road between Korokoro & Tawa… she & the two motorists who would regularly use it, might be more favourable to the suggestion.
Full story here.
Over at Kiwiblog, DPF suggests that revenue should be used for other purposes than merely public transport, such as improving the Bypass. If anyone would like to comment about possible Bypass improvements, feel free.
Most of the Wellingtonista walk, bus or Segway to & from the office & so we’ll not be affected, but how about you tell us what you think of the idea in the comments?
Three equations
3C = sausagefest
El Horno = El Porno (that’s a hot bit of ladylove in the mural)
Confit duck riceburger at Chilli Jam = (nom)3
Life in the City
I know we all love trolley buses (and can’t wait for the flash new three-axle jobbies to start ripping it up along Kent Terrace) but this must have been horrendous to be involved in at 5.15 yesterday afternoon. And deeply amusing for those of NOT involved, of course.
The bus slipped off its wire (not unusual) and then slid back so the pole-thingy got caught in the wires. Couldn’t go forwards (no power), couldn’t drift further back without ripping the wires apart. And right, slam bang in the middle of Cambridge Terrace during afternoon rush hour, disabling all the trolley buses behind in the process. Legend.
[Photo taken from the Hannah Playhouse. Click for a larger version.]
The secret of your success.
Dress for Success Wellington Autumn Clothing Sale
On this week >>> Wed 16 & Thu 17, 11.30am – 6pm each day
Hello fellow bargain hunters,
This week is the Dress for Success Wellington Autumn Clothing Sale. If you fancy yourself in Karen Walker but think you can’t afford it – Dress for Success Wellington has the answer!
We have some amazing labels for sale at rock-bottom prices. You and your mates can scoop up bargains from designers including Karen Walker, Trelise Cooper, Zambesi, Wallace Rose, Veronica Maine, World and even Versace. Of course there will also be lots of chain-store staples that your wardrobe can’t do without!
Nothing is above $50, with most items as low as $5 for tops, $10 for skirts and suits at around $25.
The sale helps us clear out items that are not suitable as interview or work wear, and clears space for incoming winter stock. It also helps raise cash so we can continue to provide our much-needed service.
The sale is open to you – my friends, also to our clients, client referral agencies and the general public – be in early to catch a bargain from our packed racks! The sale is held at the Dress for Success Wellington Office and Showroom, Ground Floor, 84 Willis Street, Wellington.
Please note, we don’t have an eftpos facility, we will be accepting cash or cheque sales only.
Please also, pass on the word – spread it round!
Who Watches the Watchmen? WE DO!
Superhero comics fans should press their best unitards this week in preparation for Armageddon, and likewise indie and underground comics fans should pull out their copies of Hicksville for signing, as the NZ Comix Weekend is setting up shop on the 19th-20th April at the Southern Cross, Graphic and Spacething.
There are talks, jams, stalls, seminars and exhibitions – providing a homegrown counterpoint to the big budget pulp culture-fest over at the TSB Arena (although some of the Comix Weekend artists are also represented at Armageddon)
Details and links after the jump…