Catch of the day

PhotobucketPiscivores rejoice! A couple of local fishing boats have started to dock at Chaffers Marina on Sundays and are selling their wares direct to the public, and it will make a nice complement to the meat & veg at Waitangi Park market. The species on offer no doubt depend upon what’s caught on the day, but today’s offerings ran from groper steaks and blue warehou to octopus (for those with a tentacle fetish) and kina (for those who like it spiny and slimy).

More fishy goodness after the jump.

It’s how we’re drinking

PhotobucketGood to see the local hostelries promoting responsible drinking: tonight, Blend are not only offering $5 Jägerbomb tickets, but are hosting a “New Zealand Jägerbomb record attempt” at 9pm. I really don’t envy the street cleaners who’ll have to deal with Wakefield St tomorrow morning.

Even those not tempted by such excess might sometimes dream about living in a bar. Well, here’s the next best thing. The former Imbibe is being stripped out in anticipation of its redevelopment by the lovely Bresolin boys, and tomorrow from 10am to midday they’re having a “bar garage sale”, selling off everything from glassware and lampshades to tables, couches and “even the kitchen sink”. So to relive the glory days of Imbibe (pineapples optional) at your own pad, get on down to Swan Lane and duke it out with the other punters in search of a bargain.

Many barflies say they’ll die for a drink, but some take it too literally. At the newly opened Lagerfield, one unlucky punter found in their Martini an unwanted couple of garnishes in addition to the olives: two very dead little fruitflies. Worse, there was too much vermouth. Still, what a way to go. (And by the way, the staff were appropriately horrified and rectified the situation with aplomb, so I’d agree with CC Vince that it’s worth checking out.)

Cinephilia: Opening This Week

Change of Address posterAfter last week’s pathetic attempt at weather forecasting, I will refrain from suggesting anything other than there are three new films at the movies this week.

First up, slipping in to the wee cinemas at the back of the Paramount is French romantic comedy Change of Address. Musician Emmanuel Mouret has arrived in Paris without accommodation and is approached by Frederique Bel about sharing her flat. Ignoring the life-rule that goes “Don’t f*ck your flatmates, don’t mix your drinks” they become, er, acquainted. Complications ensue. Change of Address is described by Urban Cinefile in Australia as “playful and amusing”. Paramount only.

I saw Never Back Down yesterday and I’m not giving too much away if I tell you that it is then most repulsive and objectionable film I have witnessed in a long time. As Ken Duncum once said (in another context) not only should this film never have been made but all those responsible should have to atone for having made it. Readings (and maybe Regent-on-Manners but their web site is down).

Finally Definitely, Maybe is a romantic comedy starring Ryan Reynolds and Abigail Breslin (relax, they’re not the romantically entwined couple – give her a few more years yet). Breslin plays Reynold’s 11-year-old daughter who wants to know why Daddy is getting divorced. Through the medium of extended flashback, Reynolds then tries to explain his life and how he and her mother fell in love. The twist: we don’t find out which of his three significant former lovers is his one true love until the end. Readings.

I’ve slipped a bit behind in reviewing current releases thanks to the Showcase but these three plus Rambo, Bonneville and The Eye will be reviewed at Funerals & Snakes next Wednesday.

Bus Etiquette question

warning: unexpected fartsWhat, exactly, is the correct response to take when you’re on the bus with a phantom farter?

I was on a very full #4 on the way home the other evening, and for most of the trip, at regular intervals, the overwhelming pong of a bottom-burp would waft its way through the throng.

Of course, if one is of a guilty disposition like myself, you assume that everyone else assumes that you were the guilty party.

How does one comport oneself as to make it patently obvious that the culprit is not, in fact, one’s own bottom?

The Bats and Minisnap

The Bats and Minisnap play at the San Francisco Bathhouse this Saturday 5th April. Get in to hear the Bats new single Crimson Enemy. A three minute joyride through a surreal shadowy landscape. Get swept along by a classic Bats dance beat with whirling guitars and uplifting choruses.

Anyone who has seen the Bats and Minisnap live will know that they put on a stunning show. Anyone who hasn’t seen them should, it will be a triumph.

And and and…

Another favourite place that has snuck its way into the Cuba Quarter – the brilliant Peoples Coffee from Newtown has set up a wicked little garage coffee spot on Garrett St overlooking that wacky Glover park….

Brilliant organic, fair trade coffee for all the usual prices and there’s a massive table, coffee beans, great magazines – the best new sunny coffee spot in town.

Post Hump-Day air humps for our favourite things

To celebrate getting over Hump Day (Wednesday), here’s the first in a series of things that the Wellingtonista is loving right now. Please feel free to add in your own current loves in the comments section.

  • Good Luck’s outdoor tables and $8 cocktail menu on Tuesdays & Wednesdays; mango batidas, raspberry caprioskas and plum daiquiris, oh my!
  • Olive’s early-bird deal (3 courses for $29 if you’re out by 7:30) is pretty damned good.
  • The lemon-lime sherbert cocktail at Superfino: sorbet, limoncello, Ketel One vodka and Foxton Fizz Lime.
  • The $17 antipasto platter at Killias in Newtown, overflowing with chorizo, salami, meatballs, mushrooms, grilled peppers, olives, delicious fresh ciabatta, dips and an impressive breadstick structure.
  • Port Cafe have brought back their separate takeaway menu, starting at $10 for 2 crumbed fish & chips, and getting cheaper as you buy in bulk.

Mighty Mighty gig news from their Facebook group

Mighty Mighty are really starting to use their Facebook group well although a little more notice is probably a good thing – this one had a Wednesday entry and I didn’t get it until Thursday, doh!

It has been so long since we caught up!

We definately should meet for a drink sometime 🙂

Shall we say MIGHTY MIGHTY?

I am available these days:

THU 3rd – New Zealand legend Jay Clarkson,and Tom Watson (Cassette).

FRI 4th – Old school Ska Big Band,The YOOTS!

SAT 5th – Garage!Country!Surf!,here comes the Sons of Midas!

what say you?

p.s. Keep a close eye on the MM facebook as we will be running some GIVEAWAYS to gigs etc 😀

you know you want it 🙂

Greenpeaces “Rainbow Warrior” in town – free visit on Saturday and Sunday

It’s not often a true blue hero bowls up into town and let’s you poke around their innards but it’s happened!

The famous Greenpeace boat, Rainbow Warrior, that you’ll have seen on TV tussling with the Japanese whale hunting ships in the Southern ocean is currently moored up on Queens Wharf.

On Saturday and Sunday they’re giving free tours of the boat.

Reasons to be cheerful

PhotobucketOK, so a fly can get snarky occasionally, but there’s plenty to get excited about. The new Chews Lane has finally opened, and while only two of the hospitality businesses there have opened so far (Fresh Take for salady sandwichy stuff, great for preventing diabetes, and Emporio for some sweet, sweet caffeine), two more (Gotham and 3C) are due to open tomorrow and next week respectively. Gotham looks to be mostly a day-time café, but it will be licensed. 3C (named after the early building owners, the Colonial Carrying Company) will be a “gastro bar”, and while that conjures up awfully Hope Bros-ish images, a peek through the windows reveals some relatively interesting touches to the decor, so it could be worth a try.

There are plenty more (re)openings on the horizon: after the jump.