Craft2.0 – this Saturday, 11am-3pm, TheNewDowse

This regular craft market is run by our very own Sue.

It’s a chance to meet up with quite a few of the Wellingtonista staffers who will be on both sides of the stalls (I think).

It’s a perfect time to treat yourself with something special and totally you darlink!

Details, details, details:

Want to know who’s got craft stuff for sale, read on …

Everything AND the Kitchen Sink

Some Wednesday night party good times for you all, in celebration of the new-ish Kitchen Sink event guide site…
Come early (doors are at 7:30pm) for goody bags and a seat!

Vigil in Solidarity

There is a Vigil in Solidarity with the current situation in Tibet tomorrow (Wednesday 19 March) on the steps of Parliament at 5:30pm.

Keith Locke is expected to speak while Tibetans in NZ, and all over the world, their friends and family, Buddhists, supporters of Tibet, human rights advocates, peace lovers, other national governments – including the US, Canda and Australia – are calling for the Chinese government to stop the oppression now.

Chinese authorities are cracking down heavily on protests in Lhasa that began on 10 March. This appears to be the largest uprising in Tibet since 1989, and if unconfirmed reports are true, there may be more Tibetan casualties in the streets of Lhasa than at any time since 1959.

The protest comes at a time of escalating human rights abuses in Tibet, despite China’s promise of improvements in human rights ahead of the Olympics. While political leaders in the US, Canada and Australia are speaking out, New Zealand remains silent. What message does this send to China, the country about to host the Olympic games?

Pizza overload

All you gourmets and gourmands will no doubt know about Scopa’s attempt on the world pizza-eating record on Saturday the 22nd, and the fact that if you join in you will essentially be eating FREE pizza. If that sounds like your sort of thing (and why wouldn’t it?), then you’ll need to register first, and according to Texture, you’ll have to do so by Monday.

To get in the mood, you could do worse than waddle down to the Overseas Passenger Terminal this Sunday for the Italian Festa, which is also sponsored by Scopa among others. Combine that with the fact that the recently papered-over windows of the former Imbibe are covered in plenty of Italian Festa posters, and one might start to guess who’s planning to reinvigorate that Swan lane favourite. Could it be the Bresolin boys?

Cinephilia: Opening This Week

Run Fatboy Run posterThe Festival of the Arts has been soaking up almost every spare minute of my working day so this is going to be a bare bones update.My highlight: Simon “Shaun of the Dead” Pegg back on screen in Run Fatboy Run about a marriage-shy waster who tries to win the love of his life (Thandie Newton) back by running the London Marathon. Readings, Empire, Regent-on-Manners, Lighthouse Petone, Penthouse.

For the kids who like those dance-as-a-substitute-for-gang-warfare movies we have Step Up 2 The Streets, sequel to the massive 2006 hit that launched Channing Tatum on an unsuspecting world. He returns for the sequel. Readings only.

[The rest of this week’s new releases after the jump]

Wellington’s best hip hop bar….NOT

Is it just me or does a removal truck being loaded up with boxes of liquor outside a bar that billed itself as “Wellington’s best hip hop bar” suggest that the bar wasn’t quite as good as it would have liked to have thought, and is now in fact in receivership?

Or is it actually just moving to a new location?

I’m a celebrity, get me into there!

Festival ClubDespite some grumbles about the food and service (half-frozen pizza and disappearing rosé, anyone?), the Festival Club bar and café has been the place to be seen for certain sectors of society. So much so that a certain well-known (and very driven) architect was seen peering over the fence into the VIP section, with a look on his face that said “Why aren’t I in there? Surely I’m a VIP?!”.

He needn’t have bothered. While one might hope for the VIP enclosure at the Festival tent to be full of famous artists, louche bohemians and nubile circus performers, in reality it’s usually reserved for sponsors and guests, which in this case consisted primarily of lawyers and accountants in bad ties and plastic name tags. You’d find a more exciting crowd at St John’s.

50 years of Endeavour

There’s a couple of special screenings coming up this weekend to commemorate the 50th Anniversary, on 17 March 2008, of the return to New Zealand of HMNZS Endeavour with the members of the Commonwealth Trans-Antarctic Expedition.

The 1955–58 Commonwealth Trans-Antarctic Expedition (CTAE) was Commonwealth-sponsored and successfully completed the first overland crossing of Antarctica, via the South Pole.

Funded by the governments of the UK, New Zealand, Australia and South Africa, as well as private and corporate donations under the patronage of Queen Elizabeth II, the expedition was headed by British explorer Dr Vivian Fuchs, with the late Sir Edmund Hillary leading a supply support team.

While Sir Ed’s supply party beat the English led group to the South Pole (being only the third group to reach the Pole overland after Amundsen in 1911 and Scott in 1912), the expedition arrived at Scott Base on 2 March, 1958, having crossed 3,473 km of previously unexplored snow and ice in 99 days.

The programme, presented in association with Antarctic Research Centre (Victoria University of Wellington), includes footage of the departure and return of the CTAE expedition, stunning film from on the ice, as well as classic film segments celebrating New Zealand’s Antarctic connection over the last 50 years.

Friday 14, Saturday 15 March at 7pm
Entry by koha
75 mins

Downstage using Flickr for backstage photos

Have a look at show pictures and behind the scenes at Flickrâ„¢

Ever wondered what a theatre show looks like behind the scenes? Or you want to have a look at some images from a show before you buy your tickets? Or simply drift away in memories when watching shots from a production you’ve recently seen? Have a look at our newly established photo gallery at Flickr. From now on you can have a look at pictures from shows, rehearsals and behind the scenes at We hope you enjoy them!

Letterboxes for Writers & Readers Week

You talkin' to ME?

I’m just guessing that the reason the letterbox outside Borders Bookstore in Lambton Quay has been happily talking to itself (possibly with Emily Perkins’ voice) all week, has something to do with Writers & Readers Week.

That NZ Post are sponsors of the week kind of supports that theory.

Has anyone heard any other postal paraphernalia talking to them?

Please say it’s not just me…