Spotlight on: Spotlight

Got half an hour or more to spare? Jump in the fabric queue at Spotlight at the bottom of the Ngaio Gorge, home to possibly the slowest shop assistants in all of New Zealand.

Seriously, where the hell do they find these people? They’re a really good encouragement to forsake the easy parking and take a bus in to the fabric shop on Willis Street instead. But then you’d miss out on all the fabulous “oh my god they are so slow!” queue conversations you get to have with the other irate shoppers…

Cinephilia: Opening This Week

Rambo posterLooks like the weekend is going to be beautiful, again. Perfect weather for, ahem, sitting in a darkened air-conditioned room watching a flickering light on a screen. And Hollywood has come to the party with a couple of films that are going to make sitting in the sunshine seem like the most natural thing in the world.

Sly Stallone brings John Rambo out of retirement for his first film since 1988 at Readings and Regent-on-Manners. Living in quiet retirement in Thailand, Rambo is forced back into action to rescue Christian missionaries in Burma. In Rambo tradition it’s rated R18 for violence and offensive language.

The second asia-horror-remake to come out in two weeks (Shutter was last week) is The Eye. Jessica Alba plays a blind woman who gets a haunted cornea transplant and can see more than she bargained for. Readings and Regent-on-Manners.

[The rest of this week’s new releases after the jump]

Turn OFF your lights – 8-9pm tomorrow (Saturday)

Support the Earth Hour initiative tomorrow (Sat 28th) and turn off your lights between 8pm-9pm.

But it will be dark!
I know … fun eh!? Light candles, play spooky games (I recommend Werewolf) or tell ghost stories – in essence HAVE FUN!

And it’s not just about the lights, that’s the minimum. If you can turn off anything else then do so – how about turning off the computer!!!

More info:

And finally – how do we feel about Christchurch being the official New Zealand Earth Hour rep … crap eh, it should be Wellington!!

Write to both Kerry Prendergast (Mayor – and Ray Ahipene-Mercer (Portfolio Leader: Climate Change – asking for a big push for 2009 – think of the coverage we’ll get internationally, all because you all got behind it and asked!

Have You Seen This Spam?

Following on from a tidbit in Mike’s last post, here’s some Thursday night hobo country garage entertainment for you!


Delaney Davidson plays at the Mighty Mighty tonight to release his album ‘Rough Diamond’ (out on local label Stink Magnetic), and unveils his Ghost Orchestra for the very first time … featuring a real live voodoo rhythm section as well as banjo, brass, violin, lap steel and accordian. The band played and talked on National Radio last Saturday, and are doing a small number of shows before Delaney heads off overseas again in April. The Wrongdoings play support, before they (we?) lose bass player Justin to the big wide world, also in April.

The gig kicks off at 8:30 but as a warm-up Issue #4 of local design magazine The National Grid will be launched in fine style by voodoo guru Dr Eric Vornoff and tractor afficionado Boss Christ, from 5:30. #4 and back issues are available at special prices, and there’s talk of a limbo contest that the Wellingtonista’s own Anna Dean has been banned from entering.

Mighty Mighty, Cuba St, 5:30/8:30 tonight
and the gig repeats with extra flair on Friday night too.

Mighty Mighty jobs for you bar tending types PLUS this weeks gigs

This via the Mighty Mighty Facebook group

Heya Kiddos!

Mighty Mighty is looking for part time glassies and bartenders, gotta cut the gravy. Contact us at or drop into the bar.

Also while I am at it 😀 Come pop in for some super times @ The Mighty 😀

A Word From El Capitain Richo and The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers!

They also give us the low down for the week ahead – read on …

All-star Ukulele Cabaret

Via my wonderful my connections (Sue!) this came to my notice: All-star Ukulele Cabaret


Tickets $22.50 plus service fees, available online from Ticketek.

Pulling together some of the capital city’s favourite musicians and commanding the four-string like you’ve never heard it, the Wellington International Ukulele Orchestra’s live show features comic banter, singalong favourites, stunning dress sense sparkling harmonies.

Having already jammed with the likes of Jordan Luck, Don McGlashan, Annie Crummer, Camp Mother and Shortland Street’s Dr Potts, you can expect plenty of surprise guests from across the pop spectrum, along with some classic uke gags and legendary licks in this cabaret spectacular.

Evans Bay Timelapse

Great 50 second time lapse video of Evans Bay towards Miramar and the airport as shot from Hataitai by John Lewis* as discovered by Rowan Simpson – enjoy:

* the person, not the department store

Lordy Lordi

According to our spies, noises are emanating from the TSB Arena that indicate the presence of metal at varying degrees of heaviness. The autograph-hunters waiting outside confirm that this might indeed be a warm-up for this weekend’s rocktastic mayhem. Penniless bogans of Wellington! Get yourself to Queens Wharf for a free sampler of Rock2Wgtn and a chance to meet your (wizened) heroes!

And on the third day, He boozed again

While not of a religious persuasion, we flies can see the value of the pagan festivals that pre-dated Easter. After all, who wouldn’t want to celebrate the bountiful fertility of nature that brings us grapes, and hops, and agave, and … well, you can see where I’m going with this.

The gummint, that’s who! Easter licensing laws remain as restrictive as ever, and just as the bingeing worshipping gets into full swing at midnight on Saturday, bars will be forced to shut. Or will they?

Local bar: Ageists

I’m appalled to discover that local Wellington sports establishment the ‘Big Kumara’, home of more giant TVs than your local Harvey Norman, is willing to ban a willing drinker because he’s “too old”.

Since when did age come between a bar and its lushes patrons? Are gone the days of drinks for all and cheer all round?

Let’s consider this carefully. What has Mr. Norman Levido done other than have slightly questionable taste in clothes and be older than 30? Nothing that I’m aware of.

If the Big Kumara (and The Establishment) wants to ban people, how about giving a little more evidence? Perhaps let the old bugger actually pinch a bum before we go making assumptions? Then, out into the street you old codger!