Kirk’s Sale, now on

WellUrban probably sums up the effect of the annual Kirk’s Sale best when he writes… Expect worse than usual queues of SUVs between Karori and Lambton Quay this morning: the Annual Kirks sale is on. From the look of some of the ladies queueing outside the doors this morning, it could be said that they […]

Bunnies on Ponies @ Cabaret

Amongst the usual info accompanying the email alerting us to a rare Bunnies on Ponies performance, was a brand new word – nosfarious. To quote… The nosfarious Bunnies On Ponies are making a rare appearance at Cabaret (ne Chow) this Saturday night from 11pm. We like it. If one of the Bunnies (or, indeed, one […]

Stories Told to Me by Girls, second season

Those of you who missed out on the first season of Julie Hill’s play ‘Stories Told to Me by Girls‘ should head down to Happy tonight or tomorrow (or yesterday or the day before that, if you have the technology), to catch a special return season. Laurie Atkinson’s review in the Dom is suitably gushing… […]

The Chinese New Year is coming soon

January 28 until February 11. And listen up folks, it’s the Year of the Dog! What we’re particularly looking forward to is the Asian Market (11am-3pm) at the Events Centre on the waterfront on Festival Day (Feb 11). The food! The crowds! But mostly the food. Festival day will also sport a parade from Courtenay […]

A date for the prom

When’s the last time you stood by the wall hoping that someone would ask you to dance, and then they did, and you put your hands on their shoulders and they put their hands on your waist and you stepped left, and then you stepped right and oh man, it was so exciting, and you […]

Your last supper

Let Wellingtonista point you towards the Last Supper Club’s bible-quoting yummy sounding menu that’s available at their website. Yesterday it was more elaborate, while the restaurant features a much more simple version. However, today, the real menu is online. We all live happily ever after. Here’s a hot tip for you – if you are […]

Wellington Speed Traps

So, Wellington’s busiest urban speed camera is situated down Ohiro Road (which, for those unfamiliar with this road, starts down in Aro Valley, works its way up to Brooklyn, the meanders down through Happy Valley to Island Bay). This particular Wellingtonista knows the route well – I’ve been pinged at least four times over the […]

Stories Told to Me by Girls

Well, after a well-earned holiday, the staff of Wellingtonista Towers are starting to retake their respective blogging places around the spacious and freshly decorated open plan office. First up in our ‘recommended things to do in the evening now that your days have returned to the daily working grind’ is “Stories Told to Me by […]

Happy 2006

Wellingtonian flickr-ites Felicity and Philip were narrowly pipped at the post for first picture of 2006 to hit the American-based mega-site Flickr and the 2006firstpix pool (with their snap [above] of New Years revelries in Civic Square), by Masterton’s curiouskiwi (who has taken enough fine pictures of Wellington to qualify as a local anyway), who […]

Midweek Fantasy Costume Night! Slick Music! Half Price Entry! $5 Drinks!

I’m sorry, no picture, this is a family site. So I’m striding purposefully along Lambton Quay, minding my own business, head down… Suddenly I am forced to pause for a moment by the unexpected obstruction of what can best be described as somewhat generous cleavage. I look up into the eyes of an absurdly young […]