You’re Go(at)ing Straight To HELL

Goat isn’t a common menu option here in New Zealand, perhaps sometimes in curry and almost certainly never before seen atop bread surrounded by crumbled tortillas and lime wedges. But that is now what you can find at HELL Pizza. The good people at La Boca Loca, the ones that are a Conscious Consumers Business […]

Their wings have not been clipped…

Last week I encouraged Wellingtonians to get out and support the Phoenix as we attempt to #SaveTheNix Plenty of people turned up to the stadium to support the team, 13,654 in fact! That’s over double what the Phoenix have had at their last few home games! So: THANK YOU! It was a fantastic evening of football […]

Review: All our sons

World War I needs more men to fight and Maori from Mataira Mountain are being asked to go. Grandma Mataira is vehemently against their going. Her son Waru believes fighting alongside Pakeha will bring Maori equal rights in New Zealand. With his son Tai and Tai’s best Pakeha friend Alec Campbell, he volunteers. Their experience […]

Pacific Heights – Airborne

Wellington-based Devin Abrams (aka DJ Reno and one of the founding members of Shapeshifter), has just put out the latest single under his Pacific Heights moniker. The lovely looking video features some heavy eye makeup, a ghostly figure and a vaguely concerned looking Devin wandering around a graveyard. Of course. ‘Airborne’ (featuring the vocal talents […]

The Wellington Phoenix are trying to avoid bursting into flames.

In Greek mythology, a phoenix is a long-lived bird that is cyclically regenerated or reborn, by arising from the ashes of its predecessor. In Wellington the Phoenix are the football team that are currently in a bit of potential trouble. According to some sources, a phoenix dies in a show of flames and combustion… one […]


If you suspect that I’m not an actual, fully qualified reviewer, you’d be correct. However, in this particular instance, I feel I have some expertise having watched the movie Evita, starring my pal Madonna. Armed with this extensive knowledge, and having wikipediaed Eva Peron (did you know Juan Peron popped her corpse in his dining room 20 years after […]

Semi-Permanent 2015

Semi-Permanent, the exclusive inclusive digital symposium returns to Wellington on November 17th.  The Embassy Theatre plays host to speakers from around the globe sharing their personal experiences, insights and expertise in the design, animation, advertising, graphic and illustration worlds. It’s great for students of design, fans of design and people who just want to expand […]


Anyone who refers to burgers as “dude food” clearly has never had their uterus screaming at them for meat before. Accordingly, I was bloody happy to be invited along to the launch of the Karmageddon burger – Karma Cola’s collaboration with Grill Meets Beer. The Karmageddon burger is made with Karma Cola braised pulled pork, […]

Preview: The Show Some Love Show

The Show Some Love Show is a variety fundraiser to raise money for Wellington Women’s Refuge and Te Whare Rokiroki Maori Women’s Refuge. It will feature some of NZ’s best musicians, comedians, dancers, and poets; including The Eastern, Alice Brine, James Nokise and Fanciforia Foxglove. Domestic and intimate partner violence is one of NZ’s biggest […]

Review: Ache

A Man and a Woman meet. There’s definitely something between them that both would like to explore further… but his girlfriend shows up. They run into each other again. But she’s trying to make it work with someone and he’s got a different girlfriend. Through comedy and tragedy they keep meeting each other. Will they […]