Review : Long ago, long ago

Ella (Susie Berry) has a new job working on a psychic hotline. Audrey (Isobel MacKinnon), her sister, is a postgraduate student investigating the links between fairytales from different countries. Their brother Ben (Jack Buchanan) is interested in making machines; in tangible objects rather than computers. Audrey comes to live with Ella while her flat is […]

Two shows in Wellington

Reviews of Second afterlife by Ralph McCubbin Howell, and Not in our neighbourhood by Jamie McCaskill.

Ahi Kaa Festival

Celebrating Matariki with the best of Maori theatre and dance, the inaugural Ahi Kaa Festival officially opens tonight. In a city where some theatre practitioners think it’s okay to use blackface on stage because ‘it’s what the audience of the theatre form would have expected’ it is welcome. This festival will show off truly innovative work […]

Review: Lysistrata

War has been going on forever. Lysistrata convinces the women of Greece and the known world to withhold sex from their husbands (and lovers, occasional shags, one-night-stands etc) in order to force the men to broker world peace. The women agree and despite being tempted hold true to their promise. Will the men come together […]

Resene Architecture and Design Film Festival

The Wellingtonista sent along Glen Barris, a mature and frankly very attractive, student of Architecture along to the launch of the Resene Architecture and Design Film Festival. He seemed to enjoy it: “The Resene Architecture and Design Film Festival is on in Wellington until 10 June. On Thursday night I went to see ‘Bernardes’ – […]

God Save the Makers

God Save the Makers

It’s Queens birthday most of us have the following priorities 1. sleeping in 2. wondering who isn’t doing a public holiday surcharge on Monday   some of us have another overriding annual priority How much making can one person do in a single weekend at Handmade. Wellington annual Festival celebrating those who make, the bakers, […]

Review: Wings

Quinn (Victoria Seymour) and her younger sister Bambi (Hannah Botha) are on a road trip to their mother’s funeral. They haven’t seen each other since Quinn left home suddenly 10 years ago. On the way they stop in a remote part of the Waikato to pick up their other sister Mo (Lydia Buckley-Gorman). Quinn doesn’t […]

The Third Eye + Boar & Blade + Mojo = The Vanuatu Fundraiser

UPDATE: Due to that dastardly weather causing havoc across Wellington today the Beer & Blade Vanuatu Fundraiser has been postponed until tomorrow night, Friday, 15 May. You may recall, amidst all the atrocities that occur on a far too regular basis throughout the world, that in mid-March Vanuatu was hit by Cyclone Pam. The cyclone killed over 10 […]

Review: Don Juan: an adaptation of the play by Moliere

Before we’re in the theatre the performers come to us. “Allo” they cry in their French accents “You are looking gorgeous tonight!” They sweep us before them into their seedy world. It’s part cabaret, part shabby theatre, part sophisticated storytelling, part improv. It feels like a troupe of travelling actors has arrived in town and […]

Grimm Bedtime Stories

As part of the New Zealand International Comedy Festival the Playshop Performance Company presents Grimm Bedtime Stories. I took along my three children aged 6, 10 and 12 on Saturday and I’ll allow them to share their experience. Let me say that as an adult I found it super enjoyable and laugh out loud funny. […]