a sea of Māori flags

Best of the week 26 May – 2 June

This week features contributions from Alan, Nadia, Emma and Joanna Best value lunches for those days you’re working in town and have forgotten that you’re supposed to be making your lunch or eating leftovers… I’m kinda hesitant to mention it (as I don’t want them to run out before I get there) but the $9 […]

soup and a scone at Arlo

Best of the Week: May 18-25

Our weekly wrap-up of what’s good,  this time featuring featuring Emma, Joanna and Tom Emma’s bests Best theatre: Farce Onion at BATS – a deeply warming joyous nonsense improvised time Best vibes: Stillwater – I only had a drink there with some mates so I can’t speak to the efficacy of their coffee or food […]

10 Unbelievably awesome and original questions

Taika with gun.jpgI’m going to ask 10 somewhat inane questions to some great local talent, and report back here. First in the series is the divine Mr Taika Cohen Waititi. His film Eagle Vs Shark is currently taking America by storm, and we here at Wellingtonista headquarters are almost exploding with pride.

Read the questions after the jump…


If you’re a stranger to the whole Lolcats phenomenon, then … lucky you. Please take a while to think about whether you want to initiate yourself into a world that’s as pointless, yet as addictive, as P. Then read up on Lolcats, Lolrus, LOL Presidents and the self-referential geek overload that is Lolcode. Now you are ready for Lollington.


More after the jump.

When you come back home

OK Road, 8 March 2007 7:18:29amSometimes there comes a time when you must leave this town, your town for a break – it could be a holiday; it could be your OE; it could be that career move; it could be to do a geographical and just get away.

What’s that? Your favourite barista moved to Westport, and you had to follow? (Yeah, OK. There’s always an excuse.) But sooner or later, you must come back. And when you do there is always a moment when you know you are home.

Here’s one such:

Coming down the Ngauranga Gorge there’s that long sweeping curve where the Hutt and Porirua motorways meet. Look up from the road and you’ll see Wellington arrayed in full panoply before you. There are our small cluster of tall buildings standing proud, feet in the sea and backs to the hills. There are the hills themselves, steeply carpeted with houses in defiance of tectonics and plain good sense, looking on to and out to the sea. There is the bowl of the harbour, rimmed with bush and filled with reflected sky. There is the sky, mostly blue, sometimes grey, often set with clouds scudding.

There it is. Our town. Where you live. Where I live.

Where is this moment for you?

Is it, as the Front Lawn once had it, flying overhead?

over Wellington Harbour
Oriental Bay is standing there in the sunlight

Is it that first sip of Mojo or Fuel?

Is it Courtenay Place at the weekend?

Where? What? With whom? Comment, zoomin, or blog away!

Snakes! On a plane! In Wellington!

ph33r my photoshop skillsNot that long ago, the London Time Out ran a feature on pirates in London to celebrate the release of Pirates of the Caribbean 2. Way to be hip, Time Out. Everyone who’s anyone knows that the actual most important movie this year is Snakes on Plane – or as some like to call it “Motherfucking snakes on a motherfucking plane”. So, in tribute to this movie that opens on Thursday, the Wellingtonista is proud to present this very special activity guide to recreating snakes on a plane in Wellington:

Walking, 7:05am

Wellington is often a good city for walking: some would even say it’s better for walking than cycling.