These days it seem like there’s a specialist film festival for every taste and interest: human rights, vegetables, silent films and even Phoenix dactylifera. There’s even one for architecture buffs, and the Wellington season starts at the Penthouse this Friday.
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Next month, there will be an unusual collaboration between urban gourmets and huntin’ shootin’ fishin’ types. The Fish & Game NZ Wild Game Bird Food Festival, which runs from the 8th to the 28th of May, encourages hunters to bring their prey into participating restuarants where their catch can be transformed into gourmet dishes. The […]
Could this be the last event of this year’s festival? After weeks of weather-related delays, at last the announcement arrived in the Wellingtonista inbox: The Bucket Fountain TRANSPLASTICISM is in existance in Cuba Mall for the next two and a half days. […] You are invited to attend and view the work. […] The installation […]
So here’s our man again. This time I have a bit more information. His name is India Bharti (sounds suspiciously like Doderiol Fharti to me), and he is, without doubt the very best Bhartiphone player I have ever heard! No kidding. Of course, he is also the only Bhartiphone player I have ever heard, but […]
I guess it’s the Fringe, or the Festival itself that brings these guys here, but this particular busker is well worth a look at. Today he was in Manner’s Mall. I could hear him a block or so away & the sound he was producing made me wonder if one of the theremins was in […]
As mentioned earlier in the week, the Island Bay Festival kicks into gear this weekend. Tomorrow (Sat 11 Feb) we get some of the best stuff: a Street Parade (all welcome – kids in costumes are recommended), Bands in the Park, and a new event which shapes to be a particular favourite of ours: Pimp […]
Residents of Island Bay, do not be alarmed. Those weird, spacey tones reverberating around your suburb next week will not be signalling the impending invasion of Wellington by aliens, but will be, in fact, The Synth Birds of Dawn. Local composer/producer Nic McGowan is co-ordinating a three-piece theremin ‘band’, who will be located one-a-piece on […]
January 28 until February 11. And listen up folks, it’s the Year of the Dog! What we’re particularly looking forward to is the Asian Market (11am-3pm) at the Events Centre on the waterfront on Festival Day (Feb 11). The food! The crowds! But mostly the food. Festival day will also sport a parade from Courtenay […]
Thanks to WellUrban for reminding us that the 9th Wellington International Jazz Festival gets under way tomorrow (26th October). Much like WellUrban, we’re not too au fait with the jazz end of the musical spectrum, but can make a few tentative recommendations. Firstly, the venues are great, so even if you’re neither hither-nor-thither on the […]
Diwali: photo by Karim Sahai Diwali, the Festival of Lights – a Hindu celebration that, according to Wikipedia, celebrates the triumph of good over evil, was celebrated in Wellington over the weekend at an event at the Town Hall. Deepavali or Diwali, is one of the most popular festivals of India and of Hindus. It […]