Rose Pruning Day – Botanic Gardens, June 12

Budding rose enthusiasts might want to mark June 12 in their diaries. It is Rose Pruning Day at the Botanic Gardens. Internationally acclaimed (probably) rose experts will be on hand giving public demonstrations, advice, and answering all your thorny questions… If your passion is for Modern Bush & Climbers, you are invited to assemble at […]

Tuatara Day

I must admit, I’ve never actually seen a tuatara in the flesh (in the scales?) before. So the Karori Wildlife Sanctuary are having a special Tuatara Day to allow me and the no doubt many other urbanites who haven’t seen our most famous lizard the chance to check out their resident reptile – Oliver – […]

Karapoti Classic

Those of you who like to get out in the fresh air on your mountain bike should take note that this year’s Karapoti Classic is on 5th March, and entries are closing soon. There’s two races – the 50km Classic, and the 20km Challenge for those who might not quite feel up to the big […]

Somes Island Weeding Mission

The ongoing effort by the Department of Conservation, the Council, and ordinary people like you and me to regenerate native flora and fauna around the city continues next month with a bit of a weeding mission out on Somes Island (aka Matiu). DOC are calling for volunteers for a big weed-busting day on Saturday March […]