More reasons to moan about the buses…

a mexican juggling green ballsThe fares have gone up! Well, for some of us they have. The new zones do make things a little simpler, but one gets the feeling the 1, 2 and 3 stage price hikes will generally outweigh the discounts the more rare 4 stage traveller will be making. Don’t know about you train users. You can fend for yourself.

If you’re a little confused about it all MetLink have excellent online info about the new zones and fares.

And to the bus-driver who looked stroppy at me this morning when I presented my brand new (but old-school $20 three-stage ten trip), and griped that I should be using one of the new cards, and made his decision to let me on regardless seem as if was the greatest show of magnaminity shown by a single person across the Wellington region this year, might I now say (having checked the rules): “Get stuffed! It’s valid to the 17th!”

Dear Fellow Bus Passenger,

for god's sake, move down the back!…if you find yourself halfway down the bus, during rush-hour, with the entire rear of the bus’s aisle not only empty, but with half a dozen seats still there for taking, please don’t just stand there, acting as a dam against the ever-increasing human stream forcing its way up against your inconsiderate arse.

Moving back, and up that one small step is all that divides you from a possible seat, and from allowing another ten or so people onto this bus, instead of causing them to wait 10 minutes until the next (probably also overcrowded) bus arrives. Arsehole.

Back on track: why submit?

Drawing of an LRT stopSubmissions on the North Wellington Public Transport Study close on Wednesday, and while this is obviously of major interest to those who live in that area, everyone else could be forgiven for thinking it irrelevant. However, there are many reasons why other Wellingtonians should care.

read on…

Gene pool deletion in progress

gene pool deletion in progress, originally uploaded by maxcherry. Couldn’t help but draw more attention to this particular photo, spotted in the Wellington Flickr Photo Pool today. Says maxcherry, the photo-taker… nothing wrong with towing a motorcycle – can be safely done. The rider has winds just one coil around the bar, and grips the […]

In which we bring you breaking news

Something’s going on in Wellington. Bus drivers in Hataitai were only taking money for one section from passengers, warning them they’d have to walk the other section any way. Four trolley buses are parked along Cambridge Terrace with their hazzard lights on. At least four more buses are parked along Courtenay Place. There were mutterings […]

Bus(t) a move

So, as part of the big shiny Metlink rebranding, they’re going to change zones and prices, and they’d like you to have a say. Wondering what this means and how it might affect you? Well, if you’re under 18 or over 65, you might get 50% off your fares, provided you show a photo ID. […]

Wellington Speed Traps

So, Wellington’s busiest urban speed camera is situated down Ohiro Road (which, for those unfamiliar with this road, starts down in Aro Valley, works its way up to Brooklyn, the meanders down through Happy Valley to Island Bay). This particular Wellingtonista knows the route well – I’ve been pinged at least four times over the […]

The Coastal Highway and Transmission Gully

The Wellingtonistas received this email yesterday & given the importance of safe & efficent transport routes in & out of the region, we think it’s a good idea to pass it on to our readers to consider, and even make a submission if you so desire. The Coastal Highway and Transmission Gully Dear Wellingtonistas The […]

Overheard on the Cable Car

On this very wet, rainy afternoon… Young Woman 1: “Wotcha been up to?” Young Woman 2: “Working” … Young Woman 2: “Wotcha been up to?” Young Woman 1: “Shopping at the Kirk’s Sale.” … Young Woman 2: “Wotcha buy?” Young Woman 1: “Knickers.” … Young Woman 2: “And an umbrella.” (Unwraps umbrella to show it) […]

Dear Stagecoach

Today (20th April), at about 5:50pm, I wanted to catch my usual bus, the #4 Happy Valley, from Willis St, opposite the Metro New World. I spotted it pulling away just as I arrived at the stop, so, thinking to myself that I would probably be able to catch up with it at one of […]