Shaping Adelaide
The Wellington City Council is seeking public input on how to guide the future growth and change of the Adelaide Rd area. This is a vitally important part of town (especially now that the Wellingtonista seems to be turning into the Newtownista), and I invite you all to have a look at the detailed draft framework and imagine for yourself what this currently somewhat neglected district could become.
But first, let’s clear up a few of the misconceptions which could have been gleaned from the brief articles in the press:
Free the software, free yourself!
Software Freedom Day (SFD) is a worldwide celebration of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) to be held this year on Saturday 20th September, 2008.
Our goal in this celebration is to educate the worldwide public about the benefits of using high quality FOSS in education, in government, at home, and in business — in short, everywhere!
So what’s happening in Wellington? Well, there’s a hackfest, a bar camp and free coffee all day long. Check out the software freedom day site for more information…
The Seekers
A wee heads-up about a very interesting (and FREE) film screening this Saturday at 7pm at the Film Archive.
Shot in 1954 by a UK team, The Seekers is a very colonial take on first contact between Maori and Pakeha in a bizarre NZ ‘Wild West’ style feature film.
Both riveting and shocking viewing (there’s eroticised dancing and plasticine moko for a start) it’s also one of the few films made in NZ the late fifties/early sixties. A combination of the introduction of television and a lack of government support for independent film making at the time means we have only the occasional international project like The Seekers to show for nearly 15 years of New Zealand’s feature film history.
Witness people falling live into boiling mud, geysers exploding around sailors etc etc – all used for maximum impact to represent our great ‘Land of Fury.’
And did I mention it’s FREE?!
A Personal Appeal from Richard Meros
Kia Ora Tatou, I’m Richard Meros and I have a Dream.
Our proud nation has laboured too long under a barely discernible pendulum wobble from Labour to National, National to Labour, so on ad nauseum. Yet we yearn for, and deserve, something greater. Through meticulous research I have drawn an inescapable conclusion: that only my personal engagement with the electoral process – and with our noble Prime Minister – can herald the glorious future of our South Pacific Utopia.
My acclaimed pamphlet of romantic political philosophy, On the Conditions and Possibilities of Helen Clark Taking Me as Her Young Lover, provoked howls of acclaim when published in 2007, and I have committed to share the “powerpoint” version of my book the length and breadth of New Zealand before Election Night 2008. Why? Because I care.
This life-changing lecture has toured across Aotearoa; enlightenment comes now to Wellington.
Oh, sweet Mystery Bar!
Apologies for the incoherence, but this fly’s report cannot help being rendered in a burst of overexcited sentence fragments with gratuitous exclamation marks.
Tropical cocktails! Shimmery dresses! German covers of The Monkees! Omnisexual pan-ironic hipsters! Six-foot-four drag queens wearing yellow balloons! Wildly abandoned rock’n’roll dance moves!
Apologies to all readers from Highbury
Sources admit there was a “balls up”.
Full story here.
Books, books, books, books…
and more books
wellington’s biggest booksale starts tomorrow. There are over 60,000 books being stacked as we speak for the Downtown Community Ministry Bookfair tomorrow.
It’s all being held at TSB area, entry is free, But the books, jigsaw puzzles, magazines, records, CDs and DVDs are not. however the prices are just the right size for anyone wanting to stock up on reading for the summer
as a mad keen collector, my favorite stop is the children’s book area. However i will also be spending quality time in the Science Fiction (usaully all sells out by about 2pm Saturday) DVD and vinyl sections. I also plan to pick up a truck load of magazines, hopefully a years supply of the new yorker.
Doors open at 9am on Saturday (closing at 5pm) and at 10am on Sunday (closing at 4pm).
Plus the best part every bit of money you pay for all those books, jigsaw puzzles, magazines, records, CDs and DVDs goes toward helping wellington’s most in need people.
it’s shopping and helping save the world all at the same time 😀
Lest We Forget
MarineVille always do the cutest e-mailouts, so I’m leaving this in their words (and punctuation!)…
Yes! This September 11 Marineville and Holiday with Friends reclaim the day from such horrible tragedies as … the birth of Moby! He may think he’s a smartypants but he’s not as clever as these post art school hipster pop/rockers!!! Come see for yourself!!!
MarineVille / Holiday with Friends
Bar Bodega
Thursday Sept 11
$5, 9pm
PS: After the gig has ended we will be observing approximately 8 hours silence in memory of these Sept 11 events (after the jump):
Electro Oh How We Love You
Some of us have missed out on Peaches tickets AND found ourselves too skint for Bill Bailey at the St James tonight.
Le Sigh.
Le Big Sigh.
Fortunately solace can be found at Mighty Mighty tonight in the arms of some sweet, sweet electro. NZ based producers, DJs and live performance will be on hand to pound away that pain. The main act is billed as CureMotel but in this girl’s completely biased opinion Stress Cadet alone will be worth the five bucks on the door. Having seen their work as part of Auckland based bands Soft Shoe and the legendary Meatbix (taking a break, maybe they are all shagged out?), Josh Lynne and Damian Golfinopoulos are sure gonna bring the puntastic with plenty of visual and aural frights and delights.
Short Circuit: CureMotel and Stress Cadet
Venue: Mighty Mighty
Doors open: 9:30pm
Cost: $5
We all like a mystery, right?
Well, maybe not this person. But others, and especially out-of-towners, might be intrigued by this auction of a mystery weekend in Wellington this weekend. Even if you’re in Wellington already, the accommodation for two, together with promises of “presents, chocolates …” and “… something in there that no amount of money could buy” could make it all worthwhile.
You’d better hurry, though, since the bidding closes this evening.