Preview: Welcome to the Murder House

Indian Ink Theatre Company present their latest show written by Jacob Rajan and Justin Lewis  and commissioned by American theatre company South Coast Repertory Theatre. Welcome to the Murder House is a deliciously dark tragedy of comic proportions. The dawning of the electric age in 1890’s America brought about massive technological and social change creating […]

Review: Romeo and Juliet at Victoria University

Victoria University’s Romeo and Juliet is an utter triumph of stagecraft. The mood within Studio 77, the campus’ main blackbox theatre, seems fittingly Shakespearean as thunder rolls overhead and rain pours down outside. We’re all here to see Romeo and Juliet, arguably one of theatre’s most played-out stories, but I’ve never seen it quite like this. Our cast, members […]

Preview: I am not Margaret Mahy

Witch, jungle child, bewildered student, detective, librarian, shark: iconic writer Margaret Mahy defied the norm at every turn, embodying aspects of her characters in the many lives she lived. Jane Waddell’s stage adaptation of Mahy’s essay ‘Notes of a Bag Lady‘ reveals the woman behind the stories: her witchy ways, her bag-lady tendencies and her […]

Review: The Big Show

The Big Show is a 100-minute extravaganza with three UK comedians who you may or may not have heard of. (The comedy world is big, okay?) Despite my utter obliviousness to whom two out of three of them were, this three-act show was a whole lot of fun. Ian Smith Acting as our MC for […]

Review: Andrew Maxwell – Showtime

Andrew Maxwell is baffled by New Zealand. And fair enough too. As he so lovingly puts it, our news cycle is a mad mess of fallen trees and cats on buses. We spend far too much time caring about things that aren’t global political conflicts and Trump. Why should we worry about global politics when […]

Review: Problems

Boris and Stephan are guarding their Great Leader as he takes his customary mid-morning nap. He’s overslept and is due at a briefing. Should they wake him up? The Great Leader’s Wife says yes. The Great Leader’s General says no. As time ticks on something has to give… From a simple premise the new play […]

Review: Uther Dean – My Fat/Sad

Guest review by Emma Maguire Uther Dean is sad and he wants you to know it. My Fat/Sad is a comedy and a tragedy, a balance between joy and seriousness, and a show with more of a duality to it than you might be expecting. In my desperate quest to avoid spoilers, I’ll leave the […]

Review: Wilson Dixon’s What a Country

Guest review by Emma Maguire When I glance around the theatre before What a Country and notice that I’m definitely the youngest person in the audience I realise that I might be slightly out of this show’s demographic. I also hate country music. But that’s alright, because Wilson Dixon’s What a Country manages to transcend […]

Review: Still life with chickens

Mama is at home with a bedridden Papa, ticking through life with constant rounds of washing, gardening, and meal making. Her family doesn’t visit as often as she’d like so she spends a lot of time in her garden.  When a cheeky chicken starts scratching around Mama is quite upset. The chicken gradually wins her […]

Preview: My fat/sad

My Accomplice present Uther Dean in My fat/sad as part of the 2018 New Zealand International Comedy Festival. A 2017 Raw Comedy Quest national finalist, critically acclaimed playwright, and diagnosed depressive, Uther has written for Power Rangers, Shortland Street and Radio New Zealand. This time, he’s turning his simultaneously analytical and hilarious eye inwards. From […]