‘Gardening Nun’ goes viral (on the big screen)
If you were part of the audience at the Embassy theatre for the world premiere of Gardening with Soul during the International Film Festival you will have witnessed something quite extraordinary. A standing ovation for a 92 year-old Island Bay resident and a speech by the diminutive woman, who started by telling the clapping crowd, […]
Candidates: Jack Yan for mayor
We’ve provided a set of questions for the mayoral and councillor candidates to answer. First 25 words to an answer get posted. Check our 2013 Election coverage for all responses as they come in. When we contacted candidates with our questions, we asked them to email a specific email address that all the ‘ista could access so that […]
Candidates: Jo Coughlan for ?
We’ve provided a set of questions for the mayoral and councillor candidates to answer. First 25 words to an answer get posted. Check our 2013 Election coverage for all responses as they come in. When we contacted candidates with our questions, we asked them to email a specific email address that all the ‘ista could access so that […]
Candidates: Rob Goulden for Mayor and Eastern Ward
We’ve provided a set of questions for the mayoral and councillor candidates to answer. First 25 words to an answer get posted. Check our 2013 Election coverage for all responses as they come in. When we contacted candidates with our questions, we asked them to email a specific email address that all the ‘ista could access so that […]
Candidates: Martin Wilson for ?
We’ve provided a set of questions for the mayoral and councillor candidates to answer. First 25 words to an answer get posted. Check our 2013 Election coverage for all responses as they come in. When we contacted candidates with our questions, we asked them to email a specific email address that all the ‘ista could […]
Candidates: Nigel Wilson for Capital and Coast DHB and Regional Council Kapiti seat
We’ve provided a set of questions for the mayoral and councillor candidates to answer. First 25 words to an answer get posted. Check our 2013 Election coverage for all responses as they come in. When we contacted candidates with our questions, we asked them to email a specific email address that all the ‘ista could access so that […]
Candidates: Simon Marsh, Eastern Ward
We’ve provided a set of questions for the mayoral and councillor candidates to answer. First 25 words to an answer get posted. Check our 2013 Election coverage for all responses as they come in. When we contacted candidates with our questions, we asked them to email a specific email address that all the ‘ista could access so that […]
Candidates: Jackie Elliott Mayoral candidate for Kapiti
We’ve provided a set of questions for the mayoral and councillor candidates to answer. First 25 words to an answer get posted. Check our 2013 Election coverage for all responses as they come in. When we contacted candidates with our questions, we asked them to email a specific email address that all the ‘ista could access so that […]
Our food bag(s)
There was more than the usual grumbling on Twitter this week when the Wellingtonista (slash some of the individuals contained within) tweeted about the food bags they received from My Food Bag. Here is the thing: in order to be able to review something, we have to see it/hear it/taste it/use it. So yes of […]
New-ish at the Movies: Pain & Gain, Only God Forgives, The Wolverine, The Way Way Back, The Conjuring & Byzantium
Still hovering around some local cinemas – and the longest-delayed of all my outstanding reviews – Still Mine is a surprisingly effective Canadian drama about an elderly man (James Cromwell, 73 but playing a fit 89) determined to build a new house for his wife (Geneviéve Bujold) before her memory deserts her completely. Cromwell gives […]