Beer what you want to beer 2013 Edition

As almost everyone is aware Beervana kicks off tomorrow. It’s very exciting for someone like myself who makes homebrew & has a lot to learn and it’s exciting for people who like beer and it’s exciting for people who like Wellington businesses doing great things and it’s just all very exciting! Last year the Brewers Guild […]

What to eat during Wellington on a Plate

We didn’t present you with suggestions for events to book, I know. That’s partly because they all sell out so quickly, but mostly because I think the Dine menus are really the best opportunity to truly sample Wellington’s hospitality. So, with things kicking off tomorrow, and 108 options on offer, where should you go and […]

Park(ing) for People

Park(ing) Day is coming around again and this time there’s some official support. Wellington Sculpture Trust is calling for expressions of interest to join them on the day. The closing date is August 12th (sorry for the late posting on this), so get those idea machines cooking. There are a total of 20 locations that will be […]

10 days till DCM Bookfair

10 days till DCM Bookfair

I’m officially on DCM bookfair countdown, it’s only  10 days to go until the biggest, most amazing book event of the year in Wellington. Imagine any kind of book/game/puzzle, CD, DVD, LP  you love  and you’ll find it at Bookfair , Saturday & sunday  17 – 18 August 2013 at the  TSB Bank Arena. It’s […]

Somewhere on Planet Earth

Somewhere on Planet Earth

In April 2012, Monica Yeoman and Dave Henley set out on a bicycle journey through Asia. Nine months, nine countries and 15,0000km later, they’ve packaged the whole thing up into a live show partly to help fundraise for their next trip around Africa and also to raise funds for  Yes Somewhere on Planet Earth is a travel […]

A boat, a beer and a duck

This week’s foodie musings take me back to Wednesday’s 2-4-1 dinner at the Boat Café, nibbles and drinks at The Hop Garden, and a Le Canard roast duck from the Harbourside Market. The Boat Café harbours (yeah, yeah groan!) fond memories of the original Parade Café, a place of worship for many. The food remains […]

Young & Hungry 2013

The Young and Hungry Festival of New Theatre is on at BATS Theatre. (Happy 19th birthday Y&H!)  It’s an exciting festival that supports young performers and crew in gaining experience in theatre. This year the three plays are…   Dragonlore. Written by Nic Sampson; directed by Richard Dey. Alan, Loren, Dena and Chris are gathering […]

Cake, Cronuts and Creativity

So in the first of my (intended) weekly reminder of Wellington foodie gems, I’m thinking back to dinner at the new WBC restaurant and bar from the Capitol folks (upstairs on Victoria above Tatsushi), and Saturday’s double breakfast of cake followed by cronut (did I mention the slightly sweet tooth yet?). So, WBC.  Named for […]

Preview: 2013 New Zealand International Film Festival

Now, I’m risking the ire of the extremely helpful and generous New Zealand International Film Festival team here, but I’m going to recommend an approach to festival-going that will probably reward you more than it will them. Here goes: don’t book for anything. Don’t plan your life around any particular screening of any particular film. […]

Eats, rides and city living (and now earthquakes!)

This post is an introduction since the folks at Wellingtonista have kindly invited me to join their merry band (and I now have an unexpected day off since the office is closed). So a little about me ….  I LOVE Wellington, food, events, eating experiences, movies, solo Saturday morning wanders, soaking up the city vibe, […]