New-ish at the Movies: World War Z, After Earth and The Hunt

Bloodless zombies would appear to be that latest trend if April’s Warm Bodies and this week’s World War Z are anything to go by. No blood means studios get a lower censorship classification and – hopefully – a bigger audience. But the absence of viscera also appears to bring with it a loss of metaphoric […]

that thing called weather

Wellington is having a bit of weather at the moment, sure we get weather 24/7 but this weather, it’s Spectacular Southerly Weather! I’m not sure what would justify all caps weather but here’s a little trip around the south coast to show you how things roll into Wellington when we have Weather if you are […]

Review: Tu

Rimini and Benedict are visiting their uncle Tu in order to find out about their family history.  Their questions force him to face the reason he has been estranged from the whanau for years.  Tu was first performed at Pipitea Marae as part of the 2012 NZ International Festival of the Arts, and is based […]

Phantom of the Opera – a Magical Musical

Phantom of the Opera – a Magical Musical

There’s nothing like a show, and Phantom of the Opera is certainly one of those. It’s the second longest running musical in the world so its a bit of a big deal for Wellington Musical Theatre to land a season here at the St James. I’ve been lucky enough to see the production a few […]

New-ish at the Movies: The Great Gatsby, Bekas, Fast & Furious 6 and The Last Sentence

For all the digital glitter and anachronistic hip-hoppery that signifies our latest re-entry into Luhrman-land, The Great Gatsby itself takes fundamental inspiration from a black and white classic from 1941. Featuring a flashback framing device, a lonely and heartsick tycoon staring out of the window of a grotesque castle, and even a breathless deathbed “Daisy” […]

A weekend of old things treated in new ways

A weekend of old things treated in new ways

It’s shaping up to be an interesting Wellington weekend – sure when is one not, but mine is looking a little like this. Opening Thursday and running for about a month is Phantom of the Opera. I’m a musical theatre nerd girl so I’m excited to see how it’s going to be staged as the production design is […]

Wellington on a Plate is here again, hurrah!

Right now we’re knee-deep in delicious wine and food at the Wellington on a Plate launch at Prefab so if all’s going well, this post will go live right after the media embargo ends. For now, here’s what we’ve written about Wellington on a Plate over the past couple of years, and below is the […]

Fairtrade coffee that you make for yourself

Fairtrade Fortnight may be over, but that doesn’t mean it’s not something to still think about. When someone else is making the coffee for you, you may be drawn to particular beans because of their fair trade status. Why not apply the same criteria when you’re drinking it at home or work? Handily the good people […]

Are you a MexiCAN or a MexiCAN’T?!

If you think the restaurant that sits on the corner of Cuba and Vivian Streets, alongside Frutti, and opposite Logan Brown serves a) food and b) Mexican food then you are sorely mistaken and should get yourself to La Boca Loca asap. Don’t even finish reading this. Get in a car, a bus, on a […]

Making it a Handmade Weekend

Got plans for the long weekend? Depending on all that weather it may involve tobogganing and making snow persons. Or you may be like me and planning to try your hand at picking up a new skill, or sitting back and learning how people put their skills to use at Handmade. Handmade celebrates  making, creating […]