The best of Raybon Kan

The comedy fest is on right now! And we haven’t gotten around to organising ourselves to get along to things, because day jobs are really busy right now. Sorry! So instead, we’ll go with things that are easily presented to us. Comedy is a hard game,  so if you can manage to make a living […]

La nouvelle bière houblon verte est arrivé!

Today is the first day of Hopstock, a celebration of the Nelson Hop harvest. In what seems just a little bit like some craft beer version of the Beaujolais Nouveau madness, for a very short time twelve bars around town will be showcasing eight new beers brewed with fresh (rather than the usual dried) hops. This […]

Review: The clouds

Happy 13th  birthday to The Bacchanals! They are throwing us the surprise party, leaving behind their ‘serious/politically conscientious’ plays in order to be ‘silly & have fun’.  The Clouds is silly and heaps of fun while still containing political and social commentary. The Bacchanals are growing up, but not away from their roots. (As a […]


Danny Boyle is a British film director with a quite extraordinary track record including Trainspotting, The Beach, 28 Days Later and multi-Academy Award winner Slumdog Millionaire. His latest film, Trance (reuniting him with Trainspotting and Shallow Grave writer John Hodge) opens on Thursday and the Light House Cuba have a special preview screening of it […]

Drunken conversations: Beth from Eat and Greet

Everyone who’s a drinker knows that the best conversations happen when you are plied with good food and good drinks, so I’ve decided I’m going to interview some choice Wellingtonians after we have been imbibing together. First on the plate is Beth from Eat and Greet which launched last year and is doing a really great […]

Sky Dancer in the Capital E National Arts Festival

We’re grownups at the Wellingtonista, well, unless there’s a fart joke to be made, so when there’s a National Arts Festival for Children, we thought it would be good to get some children involved, so here are three reviews of Sky Dancer. Henry, age 11:  “Sky Dancer was not like anything I have seen before. […]

Review: Beep Test

Binge Culture take a physical fitness test and makes a show out of it. Upstairs at Thistle Hall there are inspirational messages sticky-taped to the wall. GIVE IT A GO. TRIUMPH. We are welcomed into the room by Simon and Izzy – the runners. Some of us are coerced into sticking up further messages. U […]

NZ Barista Championship 2013

UPDATE: and the winner is Nick Clark, Flight Coffee (The Hangar) UPDATE: The Semi-finalists have been announced! Five of Wellingtons finest Barista’s have made it through to the Semi-finals in the NZ Barista Championship 2013, being held tomorrow at the Michael Fowler Centre. Addison Dale, Caffe L’affare Nick Clark, Flight Coffee (The Hangar) Tim Norris, […]

Review: We have been there (Cloud in hand)

This is part of Footnote’s Forte series which “has a specific objective to bring New Zealanders who have excelled off shore home to make work here.” Berlin based choreographer Lisa Densem has created a work set to music by Andrew Thomas. In the programme she writes the performance aim is “to create a structure that […]

Purple Cake Day is this Sunday, and there’s cake

We like cake. We like high tea.  We like kids getting education. And we like the colour purple, Whoopi Goldberg not withstanding. So we’re definitely keen on Purple Cake Day this Sunday March 10. “Celebrate Purple Cake Day with High Tea at the Coronation Café. Come along to one of our four sittings for a […]