Guest Post: Bike Everywhere helps you to bike everywhere

During the last week, I’ve been out on my very first multi-day cycling tour, and it was an awesome adventure, seeing all kinds of beautiful parts around the Wairarapa and the Southern Coasts of the North Island. Since I’ve been back a friend mentioned this great website, BikeEverywhere, whose Facebook page can be found here […]

Review: Perfectly wasted

Long Cloud Youth Theatre Summer School have worked with A Slightly Isolated Dog to investigate then recreate a night out. The show is frenetic with lots of short scenes from a typical night out. There’s a lot of drinking, some dancing. There are some ongoing stories but most of the action and interest is in […]

Karen wants her twenty dollars back

A small community service announcement… The following message was apparently left on an answer-phone when the caller mis-dialled. The involved parties would appear to be from Stokes Valley. Could someone let the ‘Rachel’ mentioned know that Karen wants her $20 back. Thank you. (Warning: NSFW language).

It’s time for alfresco cinema

And the weather could not be better! Tomorrow eve (Wednesday 30 Jan) we’re excited about the first screening for the Films by Starlight series for 2013. And naturally, thanks to Mr Chris Morley-Hall, it’s BIGGER, BETTER and MOBILE. And they’re all free thanks to the Council’s Summer City programme. No longer confined to the Dell […]

Moonrise over Mt Vic

Presented without much in the way of comment, because it’s just frikkin’ awesome… Full Moon Silhouettes from Mark Gee on Vimeo.

What not to wear to the sevens

It’s that time of year when people will call us buzzkills for not enjoying having our streets extra-clogged with vomit and having all of our female friends feel extra unsafe on the streets because of all the douchecanoes who think that because they’re wearing a costume they can harass with impunity. But we’re not buzzkills, […]

Official Wellingtonista Unofficial Webstock Wednesday Warmup time again!

It’s that special time again! For the fourth year in a row, we’d like to invite you to come and have a drink with us before the Webstock conference. Once again,  we’ll be at the Fork and Brewer, upstairs in Bond Street, from 5.30pm on Wednesday February 13. Spot us by our Webstock satchels,  Instagramming […]

A southerly front

Yesterday’s forecast thunderstorm didn’t quite arrive in central Wellington (rainfall was impressive, though, and the twittersphere reports there were a few bangs and flashes out in the Hutt and Kapiti way — anyone else?), but the front itself was an impressive meteorological phenomenon. Dave Donaldson captured a nice time-lapse of it rolling in over Cook […]

Signs of the time – advertising we like

So many surfaces in Wellington are crammed with posters trying to sell us something, so we thought it might be nice to look at some of the advertising that actually looks good. This week, our favourite piece of advertising are these posters from Wellington Zoo. These absolutely gorgeous animals (there’s a red panda in the […]

Children on the waterfront – what to do on Anniversary Weekend

Hey, it’s Wellington Anniversary Weekend this coming weekend! That’s pretty exciting. There’s a great story in the newest issue of Fishhead all about the games and races they used to have in olden times to celebrate, but in current times, we have The Great Scavenger Hunt. Capital E (still very much alive even though they […]