Review: Residence
The flyer says “This candlelit promenade performance will guide you though different worlds within Inverlochy House.” I was expecting something that referenced the history of the house. What I got was an exploration of storytelling and creativity. Each sketch happened in a different room in the house and didn’t seem to be connected to any […]
The kids are just fine at the Capital E National Arts Festival
While the urbanites of the ‘ista are all currently abuzz about the Fringe Festival, those amongst us who are parents (yes, we exist) are more excited about the Capital E National Arts Festival set to happen from March 11-23. During the weeks, the Festival runs an education programme, so expect to see bus loads of […]
Review: Touched
Contact improvisation is a dance form in which the points where bodies touch provide a start for physical improvisation. Sometimes it’s the basis for set choreography, and sometimes, as in this case, the improvisation is the performance. This performance also included artists, musicians, singers, a photographer, and spoken word. We get to the performance space […]
On the fringes
The Fringe Festival is happening from now until March 9! This is exciting! There are approximately six zillion shows happening, and while the ‘ista is covering as many as it can (and thank you for your invites, producers, we appreciate them!), we do all have day jobs and are all only human, except for Tom […]
Review: Fatu na toto
There isn’t much of a description for this show on either the Fringe or the BATS website. It rather enigmatically says “”Fatu na toto” (The Planted Seeds). Expressed through the Language of Siva Samoa. “The sand at our feet will remain, we take pride moving forward with every grain”.” Thankfully the programme explains that “A […]
Review: The road that wasn’t there
Oliver de Rohan’s mother’s neighbours think she is going mad. Oliver is pretty sure she’s always been mad. She’s always been fanciful anyway, telling him stories of fairies and taniwha. Did she really meet his father in a paper world? How did she get there? How did she get back? What is really going on? […]
Whakuku a Nga Kina
The art world is full of sharks[citation needed], but one recent public sculpture is attracting watery beasts of a different kind. Via his Facebook group, artist Michel Tuffery has been documenting the sting-rays which have been cruising his Nga Kina at Kumutoto wharf which was installed in November 2012.
Guest Post: Bike Everywhere helps you to bike everywhere
During the last week, I’ve been out on my very first multi-day cycling tour, and it was an awesome adventure, seeing all kinds of beautiful parts around the Wairarapa and the Southern Coasts of the North Island. Since I’ve been back a friend mentioned this great website, BikeEverywhere, whose Facebook page can be found here […]
Review: Perfectly wasted
Long Cloud Youth Theatre Summer School have worked with A Slightly Isolated Dog to investigate then recreate a night out. The show is frenetic with lots of short scenes from a typical night out. There’s a lot of drinking, some dancing. There are some ongoing stories but most of the action and interest is in […]
Karen wants her twenty dollars back
A small community service announcement… The following message was apparently left on an answer-phone when the caller mis-dialled. The involved parties would appear to be from Stokes Valley. Could someone let the ‘Rachel’ mentioned know that Karen wants her $20 back. Thank you. (Warning: NSFW language).