The Bats Ride Again

The Bats are playing in Wellington on Saturday, November 3rd at Bar Bodega. As a frequent attendee of their gigs I can attest to their consistent awesomenes. The loyal following of groupies, supporters for over 30 years in many instances, indicates I’m not alone. Indulge me by enjoying some classic Bats with North by North, […]

Feeling chipper

On top of all the recent openings, there are several more bars, restaurants, cafés clubs and other new places to look forward to in the next few months. One surprising and welcome trend is the re-emergence of central city fish and chip shops. An outfit called Fish n’ Chips on Tory looks (at the time […]

We’ll be WOWed for another nine years

This morning it was announced that the World of Wearable Arts has signed a contract with Wellington for the next nine years. That’s great news. WOW might not be your cup of tea, but it’s a big boost to our hospitality and retail sectors (worth more than $15.1 million, apparently). Sure, friends who work in […]

Putting them away with JK: We attend an Event at Tuatara’s new brewery

It’s 9:50am and the glitterati of Paraparaumu are itching to get they drank on. Outside the brand-new Tuatara Brrry (or Brewery, as it’s known on paper), they huddle under the awning to escape a rain that never falls, hugging the outer wall of the benighted edifice — hoping, perhaps, to osmose their way to double-vision. […]

Reasons to be cheerful

Wellington may be in the economic doldrums, with some prominent recent closures in the hospitality sector (some lamented, such as La Metropolitain; others less so, such as The Big Kumara), but plenty of new places are opening too. Yesterday I slobbered all over Big Bad Wolf, but here’s a quick summary of some other openings. […]

ALL of the meat

The time that carnivorous Wellingtonians have been droolfully anticipating has arrived: Big Bad Wolf has opened in Wakefield St. This is a charcuterie with a local twist, as their products incorporate wild game animals along with the more familiarpork, lamb and beef. Beasts that have given their lives for a higher purpose are visible in […]

Need more umlauting in your October?

In 2010, hairy classic rock/metal fan Dave Keyes started throwing non-profit DressUp-RockOut events and the Gods of Rock Awards at his workplace. In 2010 Wellington Rocks’ Rocktober event raised $1300 for the Cancer Society and then in 2011 the Gods of Rock event raised $2600 to split evenly between the Cancer Society and the Red Cross Earthquake Appeal for Christchurch. They’re doing […]

A fundraising benefit variety show for Wellington Rape Crisis

Wellington Rape Crisis believes that education is a vital tool in the prevention of rape and sexual abuse. Earlier this year they had to cut their services by 20% because of a lack of funding.  The community responded by donating money. Though they have met their current budget shortfall thanks to a huge community response […]

Pablos Art Auction 2012

Pablos Art Auction — that gala highlight of the local art scene — is on this Wednesday night. This year it’s bigger and better than ever and in an all-new venue: Massey University’s Great Hall. If you’re a seasoned collector and art-auction attendee I expect you already have your ticket and the date marked in […]

Review: Privatising Parts

It’s hard to come away from Privatising Parts without a renewed sense of optimism for our next step, you know, as humans. Teetering at the brink of a new dystopian singularity for every day of the week – global economic collapse, post-human obsolescence, a flailing mass descent through Sartre’s nausea and out into hyper-Materialist nihilism […]