Solo 36 – Hall of the Unrecognised

On now at the New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts the installation ‘Hall of the Unrecognised’ celebrates the inaugural National Council of Women which first met in Christchurch on 13 April 1896. The installation is part of the Solo 36 group show. It’s an interesting and provoking exhibition considering the current debate around rape and […]

Kristmas knack

Kristmas knack

There is only 40 days till christmas. See did i scare you? i scared myself looking up that one, but it’s also why I’m a little relieved that Kristmas knack is on this Saturday November 16th. Because it gives a girl a chance to go shopping for christmas presents, but it’s still far away enough from […]

Coffee for John Key and America’s Cup fans

Tonight we went to the opening of the Nespresso “boutique” on Lambton Quay, because frankly, we’d go to the opening of envelopes if they involved Louis Roederer champagne(1) (although a number of people we know turned down the invitation, sent us links to a Buzzfeed article about disposable pods and then commissioned haikus) and it was […]


It seems its wine-o-clock time again. Greytown, Martinborough and Gladstone are waking up from winter and preparing for Toast Martinborough next weekend.  The tickets are all sold for this year other than some packages with Rydges if you’re super keen (bear in mind that does mean a sloshy old bus ride over that hill and […]

Another birthday, black pudding hotdogs, and 2:1 steak

The birthday first.  Since I seem to be on a birthday roll lately. Ti Kouka celebrated their 3rd birthday on Friday just gone (well done guys). Even though I couldn’t make lunch with free bubbles, I did manage to grab delicious carrot cake for afternoon tea (purely for celebratory purposes you understand), and confirm their […]

Craig Terris – The Hills of Song

Craig Terris‘s new music video (directed by Sean Dekkers) for the second single off his Bleat your Heart Out album is a wee gem. Enjoy…

Birthdays, beer and burgers

I hope you all had wonderful long weekends (or at least parts of it if having to work). So many memorable eats and drinks this week, I’ll try and be succinct. But what a wonderful reminder of the diversity and opportunities in Wellington City. Matterhorn are having their 50th birthday celebrations over the next month, […]

More smart youngsters

I’ve been away this weekend, so not too much to report about what’s been eating in the city other than it’s Matterhorn’s 50th birthday month (yep I was a bit slow cottoning onto that one), the Bureau is open on the Terrace (prior Liquidate folks), and Charley Noble is up and running (check out more […]

To be Pacific, it’s Beer Expo time again!

Getting to try lots of beer in a nice warm space that’s not a concrete tunnel sounds like a bloody good idea, which is why I’m looking forward to the Pacific Beer Expo which will be on Sunday October 27 at the St James Theatre. In typical fashion for organiser Dom from Hashigo Zake, he […]

Visiting old friends…

I feel like I’ve been visiting old friends this week, while I wait for some new ones to arrive. A Deluxe cafe cookie, a Nikau brunch, a Zibibbo platter, and a Capitol breakfast (can you tell it was a teenage-free weekend??). My cookie at Deluxe was enlivened by an interesting discussion with a fellow customer […]