Reviewing the review: Flight Hangar

Wellington has one daily newspaper, and that newspaper has one restaurant critic, who certainly has his own… distinctive style. The Fly has decided that David Burton needs some accountability. Welcome to this new series. What review: David Burton on The Hangar David Burton is better than you: 3/5 “Yet despite our enduring Kiwi attachment to […]

Creative Weekend on Miramar Peninsula

Creative Weekend on Miramar Peninsula

It’s Artist in Action weekend on the Miramar Peninsula. This weekend from 10-4pm on Saturday 8 March and Sunday 9 March 2014 visits artists on the peninsular from painters to potters to printmakers,  and more in their studios. It’s part of the Miramar Peninsula Arts Trail  which you can follow at any time, but this weekend, gets you access to more studios, space […]

Summer waterfront market…

Every Thursday from noon til sunset. February and March. Taranaki Wharf and Odlins Plaza outside Macs Brewery and St Johns Heneiken.   So. Some shopping… (you wondered what those mini containers on the waterfront were for didn’t you?!)               Some grazing… (the usual suspects seen at other markets)   […]

Power Plant percussion…

Interesting that my reflective sense of the music looking back is percussion, but there are quite a lot of little things banging or rubbing on other things to create unusual and interesting sounds. Power Plant is a night-time walk through the Botanic Gardens on a one-way circuit starting and finishing at the lookout beside the […]

Review: Miss Bronte

As we walk into the theatre a woman sits on stage frantically writing in a tiny book. She wears a plain blue dress made out of different patterned fabrics. Her hair is parted in the middle and tightly pulled back. Every so often she pauses, looks into the distance, then scribbles some more. The furniture […]

Fringe Festival 2014 – Brooks & Brown in Literally Anything

Fringe Festival 2014 – Brooks & Brown in Literally Anything

We sent along intrepid theatre goer and Yarn Celebrity  Tash Barneveld to check out a new Fringe Show by Brooks & Brown. He’s what she thought.   ‘Brooks & Brown are a brand new transTasman duo who have no idea what their show is going to be about.’ Christine Brooks and Rik Brown have worked together only […]

Is it jellyfish season?

I just spotted 2 pinky frilled jellyfish in worser bay.   I didn’t hang round to take photos but more may wash in with then high tide and there may be more around the south coast it’s often this time of year we get a swarm for a few days. They looked a little like this […]

Notional Significance: Backbone

[See all Notional Significance posts] In memory, my feet are weary as I leave the Halfway. My present tense seems strained now, an affectation of immediacy undermined by the distance between walking and writing: years since I was here in the flesh; almost as long since my words last travelled this road. But I must […]

New Zealand Festival

The New Zealand Festival starts with this free event tonight in Civic Square. I’ve heard there will be more dancing than sitting so wear your dancing shoes. Also opening tonight – the Doctor Who Symphonic Spectacular, Deca Dance, Needles & Opium, and Our Broken Voice, plus the visual art exhibitions. See you there!

Live Leader Board

      Here at the Wellingtonista we’re firm faves of Richard Aindow – former editor of Fish Head magazine, and Quiz Master of Wednesday nights at Mighty Mighty – so we were pleasantly surprised to catch him outside the Rogue & Vagabond last night with a group of lycra-clad lit-up young ladies in incandescent costumes. […]