Curl up with a good Bookfair

Curl up with a good Bookfair

It’s true i get excited by books, and every year i get excited by the Annual DCM Bookfair,  which lucky for my excitement meter (which dipped a bit post film festival) is on this weekend. At The DCM Bookfair you’ll find over 90,000 books Books, Magazine, Comics, Graphic Novels,  jigsaw-puzzles, games, DVDs, CDs, Vinyl Records, Stamps …. […]

A club that would have us as a member

Everyone has different reasons for being in the Wellingtonista, and one of mine is that it means I get invitations from lovely people to do cool things. That’s all very well and good, but it could be a little alienating for you guys. So today, I’m going to tell you about a secret special club […]

Let There Be Light

lux — n , pl lux the derived SI unit of illumination equal to a luminous flux of 1 lumen per square metre. 1 lux is equivalent to 0.0929 foot-candle. I don’t know about you, but to me a luminous flux sounds like it should be a lot of fun. It sounds like a light […]

Review: A view from the bridge

Eddie and his wife Beatrice live with Beatrice’s dead-sister’s daughter, Catherine in Brooklyn, New York. Beatrice’s two cousins, Marco and Rodolpho, are coming into the country (illegally) to stay with them in order to earn money to send back to Italy.  Catherine and Rodolpho get on really well. Eddie is suspicious of Rodolpho’s motives. Is he […]

Hats off…

To Logan Brown (2 hats), Ortega Fish Shack, The Larder, Charley Noble and Taylors on Jackson (1 hat each) – Logan Brown being the only non-Auckland restaurant to be awarded 2 hats in 2014 (rating alongside Baduzzi and The Grill by Sean Connolly, and just one point below Masu and Kazuya). Well done Wellington! Now what’s […]

New Zealand International Film Festival 2014

New Zealand International Film Festival 2014

It’s less than 2 weeks till The Wellington round of the New Zealand International Film Festival Typical Wellington behaviour at this time often includes – Courtenay Place place being full during daylight hours – people taking no lunch breaks to allow for an extra long lunch break to catch a film – taking a day off work […]

Something wonderful at The Dowse

Something wonderful at The Dowse

Emma from Emma Makes kindly visited and revisited  – Wunderrūma: New Zealand Jewellery  exhibition at The Dowse  for us. Each time I return to Wunderrūma: New Zealand Jewellery I find something new I want to own. It began at the opening with Emily Valentine’s Kingfisher Brooch (2013). “Is that a bird?” said the friend I was […]

Holey pancake!

Who’d’ve thought a few holes could be so useful. Finc are doing Yemenese pancakes on their breakfast and brunch menu at the moment (with poached winter fruit warmed in a ginger syrup with thick yoghurt) – a thin spongy dinner-plate-sized pancake full of holes and great for catching and mopping up sauces and syrups. And […]

Vonderful Vellington Vampires

Yes, this is a write up on the premiere of Taika Waititi & Jermaine Clement’s new film What We Do In The Shadows. Yes, this post is well after the actual Wellington premiere BUT it’s not like there hasn’t been A LOT of coverage of the film. Wellington, and the rest of the country, has been […]

Channeling your inner southern man (or woman)…

As if we aren’t fooded out at the moment with all the WOAP preps, the annual Monteith’s Wild Food Challenge starts on 1 July. Yep, next week. Check out the website here listing all your local outlets and options (but have a plethora of swear words ready for trying to navigate easily between the Wellington […]