Victoria, What Do We Want From You?

Saturday is your last opportunity to make your voice heard on the future of…no, I’m not talking about the elections, but about something more specific to Wellington. In a very condensed consultation process, WCC is seeking your input on the proposed transformation of three blocks Victoria St, between Dixon and Abel Smith streets. And that […]

Voting Weather

There are signs that this election could have a good turnout. Advance voting is about twice what it was at the same stage in the last two elections, and there have been over 35,000 new enrolments since I posted about poor enrolment figures: nearly 1500 in Wellington Central alone! However, one thing that can still put […]

Bring Back Kate – March on Monday

Bring Back Kate – March on Monday

On average the National Collective of Independent Women’s Refuges receive one call for help every nine minutes. From July 2013 to June 2014 the Shakti national crisis line service exceeded 10,000 calls. Bring Back Kate is Women’s Refuge’s latest call to action on domestic violence in New Zealand. In 1893 Kate Shepherd and a band of […]

Elections 2014: Tane Woodley for Ohariu

Who are you and what do you want? I’m Tane Woodley, Green party candidate for Ohariu. I want a pint of chocolate porter. Also, a fairer society, a cleaner environment and a smarter economy. What makes you different? I’m a human, that makes me different to everyone. I am a soldier in the Greens, so […]

Election 2014: Grant Robertson for Wellington Central

1. Who are you and what do you want? I’m Grant Robertson, MP for Wellington Central. I want a better New Zealand- and your Party Vote for Labour, and electorate vote to carry on working for our community. 2. What makes you different? In terms of being MP my point of difference is that I’m already doing […]

Elections 2014: James Shaw for Wellington Central

1. Who are you and what do you want? I’m an Aro Valley native. I want New Zealand to become an economically, socially and ecologically sustainable role model for the rest of the world to follow. 2. What makes you different? I’ve had an international career in sustainable business and leadership development. I’ve worked as […]

Elections 2014: Paul Foster Bell for Wellington Central

1. Who are you and what do you want? I’m Paul Foster-Bell, the National Candidate for Wellington Central, and I want to keep Wellington and NZ moving in the right direction. What makes you different? I can be a strong voice from within the next John Key-led National Government. I have useful skills gained working with […]

Wellington candidates – we’ve heard from you

Wellington candidates – we’ve heard from you

We put together fifteen questions we wanted answers for from anyone running for Parliament in the Wellington region. Four candidates got back to us before our deadline. Here’s what they told us. Wellington Central Paul Foster Bell’s answers James Shaw’s Answers Grant Robertson’s answers Ōhāriu Tane Woodley’s answers  

Under the Pollsters’ Radar

At this stage of the election cycle we are drowning in polls. While each media outlet treats its own commissioned research as holy writ, they all have their own strengths and weaknesses, and it takes something like Danyl McLauchlan’s tracking poll charts to smooth out the noise and calibrate them against actual election results. Even with that, there’s a growing […]

World Press Photo Exhibition

A picture not only speaks a thousand words but has the ability to leave you speechless. Currently at the NZ Portrait Gallery in Shed 11 on the waterfront you can see a collection of photos that do exactly that. The photos that make up the World Press Photo Exhibition are selected from over 10,000 images […]