World of Wearable Arts Season

World of Wearable Arts Season

I’ve heard the complaints; World of Wearable Arts – WOW is for women of a certain age and is far too expensive. I’d not been to the show before so I couldn’t confirm or deny, but oh wow are those people wrong. To start with WOW to me was two experiences seamless melded together, and also […]

Three shows in Wellington (until October 4)

There are three shows on in Wellington this week that are absolutely worth your time and money. An unseasonable fall of snow at Circa Theatre, and God-Belly and Everything is surrounded by water at BATS Theatre. I feel like An unseasonable fall of snow should come with a content warning however that would give away […]

Miramar is hacking and wants all the developers

Wellington is running its first Civic Hackathon the first weekend of November to tackle transport issues in and around Eastern Suburbs and the wider city. The Hack Miramar folks have got a bunch of people involved already and they’ve got spots open if you want to join in and they’re looking for freaks, geeks, and […]

Get Informed About Resource Consents

It’s a common complaint: “how could the Council let people build that, and not even notify anyone?” That’s partly down to a misunderstanding of what “notification” means under the RMA: it’s not just about letting people know, but also the start of a long and complex process involving hearings, lawyers and possible appeals, and it only occurs […]

Serious Monkey(ish) business at Wellington Zoo

Okay, let’s get the puns out of the way. While it is never inappropriate to spank your monkey in public, and only Peter Gabriel can shock the monkey, at Wellington Zoo you can, however, touch some monkeys. Sort of. Well, the touching part is correct, but technically the Black-and-White Ruffed Lemurs aren’t actually primates, they’re a […]

Craft Central, moves into the Centre of Wellington

Craft Central, moves into the Centre of Wellington

For over a year Craft Central’s been a delightful little market held monthly at Miramar School, one of those little secrets only locals know about, like Craig the Chemist who always has stickers on hand to bring a smile to kids’ faces.  But Libby and Katherine, Craft Central’s creators, had big dreams, to turn their 100% NZ […]

Review: Whore &, Lashings of whipped cream

I had high hopes for Whore. Described in the promo material as “Contemporary, topical, true-life based monologues told by six characters…this work is a collection of stories about street sex workers in Auckland, New Zealand” I thought it would be an up to date exploration of modern, decriminalised sex work. Well, I was disappointed. If […]

Snakes and Shadows: History as Poetry in Chris Tse’s Year of Snakes

Snakes and Shadows: History as Poetry in Chris Tse’s Year of Snakes

Cross Tory Street heading toward Aro; banish the Carrilon’s long shadow behind the white-and-teal Bible Society on your left, Nurse Maude’s mosaic gaze upon your right shoulder. Point your nose toward Tara-Ngaki Street – “shining mountain-peak” – and feel Haining Street incline beneath your feet as Tory’s constant woosh recedes into urban din. The senses […]

Nominees for the 2014 Capital Awards

This afternoon we popped down to Vivo for the annoucing of nominees in the 2014 Capital Awards -Wellington’s premier hospitality awards. It was a pretty casual affair, with many of the nominees hard at work and therefore unable to front to receive their certificates. Still though, it was great seeing so many Wellingtonista favourites get […]

Spot That Pigeon!

Take a break from watching polls and start watching birds with The Great Kererū Count. Forest & Bird have teamed up with local company Thundermaps to create an easy way for all of us to track these magnificent yet near-threatened native pigeons, using the Thundermaps smartphone apps or web application. Kererū are vital to the health of our […]