Summer in the City Suburbs

You’ve got to love the effect a sunny day has on people – I’ve seen more smiles on the streets of Newtown today than I have done the entire 6 months that I’ve lived here.
And speaking of Newtown, time to give props to a local icon,The Adelaide
Once the infamous Tramways Hotel, and sticking resolutely to the “smalltown pub” vibe and decor, the Adelaide has quietly reinvented itself as one of the best places in town to see bands play for around the $5 mark. Cheap beer, great mirrors in the ladies’, flashing lights behind glass bricks at the counter and under the stage, pool tables, pub meals … one day I’ll devote an entire post to how much I love unpretentious hospitality. But the point of this post is to announce the inaugural Saturday Matinee at the Adelaide – just in time for the return of the golden weather!
Details after the jump…

Newtown words

Newtown spoken word - flier
Tomorrow night, the Newtown Community and Cultural Centre hosts Newtown Spoken Word Winter 06, an open mike event organised by the Word Collective, the people who brought you Sk8board Poets, Karaoke Poetry and the Word Festivals. It starts at 7:30pm at the corner of Rintoul & Colombo streets, and entry is by koha. For more information, call Craig on 027 242 3453.

Extreme Poo – Wellington Zoo

Events Calendar: “Extreme Poo Identification Competition Wellington Zoo will hold an Extreme Poo Identification Competition on 6 & 7 August. As part of the Conservation Week theme ‘Everything is Connected’, the Zoo invites you to correctly identify different types of animal poo to win a prize. Listen to the Keeper talks throughout the day to […]

Newtown: home to more than medical treatments

Five Other Things to do in Newtown: A post had been planned about how you might like to take a tour around the fabulous architecture of Wellington Hospital, and suggesting that the best way to take such a tour is while lying zonked out on great drugs on a hospital bed, being pushed by a […]

Newtown: more than medical treatment

Five Other Things to do in Newtown:

A post had been planned about how you might like to take a tour around the fabulous architecture of Wellington Hospital, and suggesting that the best way to take such a tour is while lying zonked out on great drugs on a hospital bed, being pushed by a security guard, but as being sick is so last month, here are better things you should do in Newtown instead:

1. Go to the Zoo. You could even touch the red pandas if you’re particularly lucky.
2. Go eat a mountain of fries at Malo. $5.50 buys a very very large bowl of thick crisp chips and great garlic mayo. Make sure to share them or you won’t be able to walk afterwards. Wellingtonista has also had many happy Singaporean dinners at Chumeez, and adores the duck pancakes at Beijing Restaurant.
3. Buy Thai Red Bull from the Asian section of the small cramped New World. Mmmm syrupy. (Wellingtonista recommends it as a good base for Punch, particularly when mixed with soda, cranberry juice, vodka and blue curacao).
4. Check out some hot young talent before they end up on Shortland Street in a show at Toi Whakaari New Zealand Drama School.
5. Go celebrity spotting. According to the Wellington City Libraries, noted celebrities who live in Newtown include Emma Paki – and also Miss Natalie Biz of course.

What’s there to do in your suburb?

Newtown Festival

The never-ending summer stream of Wellington suburban carnivals and fairs continues on its merry way with the start of the ten day Newtown Festival tomorrow (Fri 4 Mar). The big day is Sunday’s Fair Day, when Riddiford Street will be closed to traffic, allowing a plethora of stalls, entertainers and general mayhem to hit the […]