The rugby sculpture

A proposal was unveiled yesterday for a Weta Workshop-designed rugby-themed sculpture to grace the city, somewhere, In Time For The Rugby World Cup.

The sculpture is highly symbolic, with the DomPost providing a list of all the symbolism, but what does the sculpture most resemble?

For Sale – One Ticker Tape Parade, Unused

You could be here


25 shipping containers multicoloured shredded paper,
Day’s hire of novelty vehicles & floats,
2000 dancers & street performers,
50,000 black flags.
Speech from the Prime Minister*

Population of one small city looking for something to celebrate.

Make a loved one’s birthday celebration, or anniversary, unforgettable.

Ready to go for October 26.

*Late change, Peter Dunne Subbed for the PM.

Where to watch the Rugby World Cup – Wellington

Well, in response to Mike’s question, the only place open at 6.30am this morning was J.J. Murphy’s.

And a top bunch of people they are too. The beer was flowing for those still out since the night before (including a gaggle of French guys. Bad luck there Blues).

Even better! They did a hungry man a $5 breakfast. Scrambled eggs, sausages, hash browns, tomatoes, toast.

So, to repeat that. No Occidental, no Bristol.

Get yourself down to Murphy’s next Saturday to watch England v. South Africa (and France v. Ireland the week after).

No advertising? No way.

Hadyn originally posted this over at The Dropkicks, but since we used Wellington as the example (and the map looks so nice), it seemed appropriate to cross post it over here…

The gist of the story is that the International Rugby Board, in a bid to halt ‘ambush marketing’ around the venues for the 2011 Rugby World Cup (being held in NZ, didn’t you know?), is requesting a 5km advertising ban around venues where games are being played. To quote Hadyn…

Now without any bias, that is downright in-frickin-sane!

…which is entirely right. Take a look at what a 5km non-advertising zone around the Stadium would actually catch…

5km zone around the Caketin

…yep – pretty much the entire central city and inlying suburbs. Are all those dairies going to have to take down the hoardings of non-authorised soft-drink manufacturers? Will the buses have all their advertising removed for inner-city services? Oggi’s gonna take down all their billboards? Methinks: No. Way.