Meridian Energy have announced plans for a new wind farm at and around Quartz Hill, near Makara. With around 70 turbines planned for the farm, and each one of those three times bigger than the one on Brooklyn, there’s the potential for 210 megawatts of power to be produced – enough for 100000 households, or, […]
We here at Wellingtonist Towers were absolutely kicking ourselves yesterday evening when we realised that not a single one of us had bought in a camera to capture the absolutely incredible colours that accompanied last night’s sunset. A long arch cloud covered the city, but, as the sun dipped down below the edge of the […]
Here at Wellingtonist Towers there are two camps regarding the British & Lions rugby tour that’s happening as we write. One school of thought is that it’s a waste of money, time and energy that would be far better spent on Kiwi music; the other is that this is what life is all about. Even […]
Yet more Wellingtonist ‘let me count the ways‘ goodness, this time from Ratpony (no permalinks on the site, so you’ll have to find it for yourself if it’s dropped off the frontpage). Mouse running across Island Bay woman’s foot sparks multi-national efforts emergency services into action. Wellington doctor Ken Looi rides around Basin Reserve 814 […]
A couple more additions to the ‘Let me count the ways…‘ Wellingtonist meme, from Sibylle at heimatseeker and Mr Reasonable at Whispering Inferno The Wellington City Council in-fighting reaches new lows Tornado action in Paraparaumu, resulting in this from MetService… Severe-weather forecaster Paul Mallinson said he had “almost mentioned weak tornadoes” in predictions for the […]
The Phoenix Foundation’s second album Pegasus is out now, and has followed the lead of recent releases of fellow Wellington bands Fat Freddy’s Drop (Based on a True Story) and Shihad (Love is the New Hate) by going straight into the top 10 of the NZ album charts. Ten years ago it would have been […]
Make Tea Not War adds to the list of Wellingtonist ‘let me count the ways’ meme Falco over at proclaims his site is made up of ‘columnists’, not ‘bloggers’, goddammit! Wellington bands on the up. Keep up with the cool kids with this primer on the welly bands whose names you should be […]
Ecoqueer waxes lyrical about Maui – One Man Against the Gods, which is being performed at the St James Theatre until early June. The Supreme Court may be getting shifted to the Thorndon Tavern. Question is, will the judges demand that the bar remain behind? Karaoke Poetry at Bats. Better (much better, we’ve been told), […]
Kakariki has a good time at the Green Room 004: Hope CD release party. Some media attention for Whispering Inferno will hopefully have a couple of local real estate agents and developers shaking in their boots. Conversations overheard on the Cable Car. Examples of the sort of stimulating chat you’re likely to overhear on Wellington’s […]
Nothing more than a Wellington observation really but have you noticed how all the “good” shops are on the left-hand side of the road. “Good” being determined by those that have buckets of money to spend on the flashest shop fronts – nothing to do with the quality of service or products. And of course […]