In 2015 I was living at Weir House. It was my first year of study and the first time I’d spent any longer than two weeks away from my parents. I was mooning over a girl who didn’t like me back, bad at being a person and making connections and pretty sure I wasn’t into […]
Back for the fourth year in a row – Sex Workers of Aotearoa; A Day in the Life of – is an annual art exhibition in which all art has been created by current or past sex workers. The artwork is for sale, showcasing various mediums; photography, ink, paint, mixed media, cross-stitch, sculpture, poetry and more. […]
This post is sponsored by Wilderness Motorhomes We love telling people what to do. Especially telling people what to do in Wellington. That’s why we exist. So when we were offered this sponsored post we were happy to take up the challenge of what to do in Wellington if you’re an out-of-towner visiting in a […]
This Saturday a large number of spots in Wellington are taking part in a pub crawl but without the pubs. And with literature instead. A LitCrawl if you will! Actually that’s a slight lie. There are not only three pubs involved (Hashigo Zake, Meow and Little Beer Quarter) but there’s a Writers’ Beer as well. Nine […]
A picture not only speaks a thousand words but has the ability to leave you speechless. Currently at the NZ Portrait Gallery in Shed 11 on the waterfront you can see a collection of photos that do exactly that. The photos that make up the World Press Photo Exhibition are selected from over 10,000 images […]
We’ve already previewed the LUX festival, but now we’re a bit over halfway through and the weather’s looking kind, it’s worth reminding you to See. It. Now. You have until Sunday. We had a wander around last night, and the atmosphere was (appropriately) electric. Quite apart from the installations themselves, the experience of being around so […]
lux — n , pl lux the derived SI unit of illumination equal to a luminous flux of 1 lumen per square metre. 1 lux is equivalent to 0.0929 foot-candle. I don’t know about you, but to me a luminous flux sounds like it should be a lot of fun. It sounds like a light […]
Look at that weather. Just LOOK AT IT. Woah! We’re going to assume from all the cars parked in Thorndon that you’re already going to Garden Magic events in the dell as part of Summer City,but here are some other things you might wanna consider: Positively Pasifika: The winner of New Zealand Idol is going, […]
The art world is full of sharks[citation needed], but one recent public sculpture is attracting watery beasts of a different kind. Via his Facebook group, artist Michel Tuffery has been documenting the sting-rays which have been cruising his Nga Kina at Kumutoto wharf which was installed in November 2012.
Hey, it’s Wellington Anniversary Weekend this coming weekend! That’s pretty exciting. There’s a great story in the newest issue of Fishhead all about the games and races they used to have in olden times to celebrate, but in current times, we have The Great Scavenger Hunt. Capital E (still very much alive even though they […]