Collossal SquidTe Papa, the natural history museum of New Zealand, is now housing the Colossal Squid.

That’s right, it’s a COLOSSAL SQUID. Squidzilla! Squid-Ra!

It’s become quite a draw card, so of course the Wellingtonista had to check it out.

The Colossal Squid

This lady-squid is housed in a purpose-built tank. Some may find it awe-inspiring, others may find it revolting. The squid has a sort of pinky outer layer of squidskin which is peeling off.

Did you know that squids have a beak like a parrot. Uuggh!

3D AV Squidtacular

Off to the side is a theatrette showing a computer animation of how the squid was accidentally caught by a fishing boat. I know what you’re thinking: "Boring, grandma! I am generation Y or even Z! I don’t use vowels, I have a two second attention span, carry three cellphones and can’t watch a boring old 5 minute video about a squid!"

Well, fortunately Te Papa have taken care of this and made the video in 3D. Yes, so you get to strap on a pair of glasses and watch the Colossal Squid being captured by a fishing boat in 3D. In threeeee-deeeee!

Whoa! Trippy as, man. Etc.


nz on screenIn a little office on Taranaki St, a small group of dedicated professionals (known as the NZ On Screen team) have been creating a website which celebrates and showcases television and film produced in New Zealand. A year in the making, NZ On Screen launched at the end of October and has over 300 titles available to view – many in full length, some with just excerpts.

For each title there’s also profiles of key cast and crew, as well as background stories, comments, photos and links to other related material. Hours can disappear when you start looking through the site – and it pays to have your broadband speed high and your cap fresh!

So take a look:   … let us know what you think, suggest titles we should add, tell all your friends and loved ones, and enjoy NZ On Screen!

But what does that have to do with Wellington you might ask?

Aside from the fact that the NZ On Screen team is based here … Wellington is well known as a bit of a hub for the film industry. Most people would say that’s all down to Peter Jackson and Lord of the Rings. To be fair, he’s had a reasonably large influence.

But the Wellington has been the scene for film and television for a long time.  On the NZ On Screen site you will find some gems of Wellington-ness…

Yet another mystery bar

I’ve never been afraid of eclecticism. A dash of Kiwiana and a touch of faded grandeur can go down a treat if served with a generous slug of hipster irony (see Mighty Mighty). A grab-bag of Nana kitsch can turn into something resembling conceptual art if it’s assembled with wit and flair (see Auckland’s Northern Steamship Company). But sometimes it all goes horribly wrong.


I know! Let’s grab some swatches of loud old carpet and put them in gold frames along the bar! Ooh, let’s get some random balustrades and standard lamps to mix in with the leftover expensive designer chairs from the last place! Hmm, needs more cross-stitch to go with the weatherbeaten weatherboards and seven patterns of wallpaper. Floral-painted female torsos will add some artsy class above the urinals. But it needs to be blokier, so let’s add dozens of TV screens to show our branded Flash animations when the footie’s not on, and the piece de resistance: a map of New Zild made out of Tui caps. Maaaate! [Read more]

Dominion Post no longer suckling from Big Liquor’s teet?

On Saturday, the big front page headline on the Dominion Post was "Cheers! We’re killing ourselves" about how alcohol is responsible for injuries, health problems and crime.

Today it’s "Weekend of Drunken Mayhem – 1000 calls to police".

Think maybe they lost a big advertising account?

Full disclosure: the TAWAs have some sponsorship from Epic Beer and we’re very happy about that.

Sorry ma, forgot to take out the trash

There I was taking a leisurely stroll along Lambton Quay when I happened to glance down Stout Street and suddenly noticed that the street was completely blocked by a giant pile of rubbish!

The Giant Pile of Rubbish

Goodness crikey me! What enviroterror has spewed on Stout? All is explained after the jump.

Cinephilia: Opening This Week

Too late to be of any use for Friday night entertainment, here’s a summary of the films opening this week across the city.

The Day the Earth Stood Still (Readings, Sky City Queensgate and Empire). That’s it. The calm before the inevitable Boxing Day storm.

But if Keanu Reeves playing a deadpan alien isn’t enough there’s always the annual ‘V’ Movie Marathon at the Paramount, kicking off at 4.00pm on Saturday. Organiser Ant Timpson has been somewhat scathing of Wellington’s ability (or inability) to hack the Marathon and is offering a special mini-Marathon ticket valid for 12 hours. Only problem, is you have a wear a nappy for the whole 12 hours ’cause you’d be a big baby.

On a different kind of kick, this weekend sees the first Korean Film Festival in Wellington – (only) three screenings of recent Korean movies, all at the Lighthouse in Petone on Saturday and Sunday.

The Day the Earth Stood Still will get a review in the Capital Times on Weds (and online at Funerals & Snakes soon after).

We’re animated with excitement!

Only one more week to go! Thanks to the lovely Miss Fur for capturing our excitedness so awesomely:

TAWA awards

Are the polls on insultingly stupid?

The Rainbow Reels

Come down to the Film Archive this eve for the last exhibition opening of the year.

Hot damn – it’s a goodie! Tessa Laird, whose name you may recognise from her brilliant art writing over the years, has curated an exhibition from the Film Archive’s Home Movie Collection.

With such a wealth of material (over 30,000 titles) she created an arbitrary selection process based on the colours of the rainbow. The resultant Rainbow Reels are fantastic. There’s everyone from Opo to Chairman Mau….

Plus, performing tonight by special request are Alphabet Bomber – a band of 13 year olds who must be seen to be believed. They’re influenced by the Cramps and sheesh – it’s going to be a party!

See you tonight!

Image from 1982 Sweetwaters Festival from the Yellow section.

I’d Love To Have A Beer With Duncan

have a beer

And you should too … proceeds from the show will be donated to the Royal NZ Foundation for the Blind Talking Books Project.

It runs from Tues 9th – 13th December and the ticket includes a beer ($20/13) 

He’ll be spinning yarns from his book Two Little Boys, and having been an audience member at his shows over the years, I’d highly recommend it!! or phone 04.8024175

And there’s free entry for members of the Royal NZ Foundation for the Blind (these seats are limited so book early to secure them)