Stinky poo, stinky poo

Where's your worm now!?!?Whilst Wellingtonista Towers is home to the funky, the hip and the connected it also houses the dads, mums and general caregivers to the next generation of the funky, hip and connected.

For those that are also parents can I recommend the latest Kapitall Kids Theatre show at the Gryphon Theatre of Spike Milligan’s Badjelly the Witch

Whilst a paid theatre reviewer would probably use phrases such as “professional”, “engaging”, “a delight”, “something for the adults” and “a must see for all the family” my son and I can only say – GO! It’s a total hoot and you’ll love the music (pop), jokes (topical) and acting (awesome).


Where: The Gryphon on Ghuznee [ZoomIn map]
When: now until Saturday 14th of April
Time: 11 am, 1 pm; 3pm Mon – Fri
Price: $10 per person, $36 for family
How to book: 04-934 4068 or just turn up
Age: 3+ years

Anti-Fascist Protective Rampart

Our very own Anti-Fascist Protective Rampart has been up for months now, and remains as ugly as ever.

Looking south towards Friedrichstraße *cough* I mean Abel Smith Street:

… and north towards Ghuznee Street. In the distance, over the wall, we see the symbols of capitalism brazenly and proudly flaunted:

All we are really missing are some sentry towers, razor wire, and anti-personnel mines. Somebody really needs to finish this damn “bypass” already.

Extravaganza of Progressive Post-Rock

Post-rock is a done-to-death description but as a semaphore of intent it still serves a certain purpose. First coined by music-journo Simon Reynolds as a term to describe progressive music “using rock instrumentation for non-rock purposes, using guitars as facilitators of timbre and textures rather than riffs and power chords”, its use was rapidly spread during the 90s by breathless writers suddenly overwhelmed by seemingly-infinite possible music-futures. Reynolds further expounded:

perhaps the really provocative area for future development lies… in cyborg rock; not the wholehearted embrace of Techno’s methodology, but some kind of interface between real time, hands-on playing and the use of digital effects and enhancement.

… which in itself has turned out to be suitably ambitious, as in general attempts at an amalgam of real-time instrumentation and digital frippery have turned out to be a big horrible mess (with notable exceptions, of course).

Flight of the Conchords: Think about It

It’s Flight of the Conchords Wednesday!

Here’s one for ratpony. Think about it. Think, think about it…

We answer: Boy and dog

Remember when we asked you about what was filming that would involve a boy and a dog?

Turns out it was a New World ad. Of course. It’s making a big deal about how New Worlds are the only local supermarkets nationwide. Personally, I think the only big deal about something that a New World has done is give Maurice Bennett enough of an income to start Bennett’s Beer. But maybe that’s just me.

Yesterday’s Protest March & the Second Coming of Christ

Here we come... walking down the street

The Anti-Smacking Bill? The Child Discipline Bill? I’m not entirely sure what it’s officially called, and in standard tradition, I can’t be bothered looking it up. But you know what I mean.



Following the success of the recent Wellington Flickr Group‘s exhibition at the Paramount, cames yet more photographic goodness from a Wellington flickr-ite legend A Different Perspective (aka Jim Henderson).

He’s putting on an exhibition of his work down at Island Bay’s The Bach café, from the 1st to the 30th of April.

To get a feel for what you might be seeing, check out his awesome flickr photostream here.

Wellington Phoenix FC

Gah. If the stories we’re hearing tonight are true, then we are … underwhelmed.

Seriously, Black Star Wellington was the bomb.

And even Wellington City or Wellington FC were better options.

But … “Phoenix“?

Ah well.

Update. Well, it’s official, and, having slept on it, I suppose it’s something we can live with. At least it’s not the Wellington Bumblebees.

The Dead C are coming to town

I wouldn’t wanna put money on it or anything, but I’m pretty sure that the last time legendary NZ noise-rockers The Dead C (wikipedia) played in Wellington was when they supported Sonic Youth on their Dirty tour in 1993. And to be frank, with an utterly transcendant performance in the face of much tribulation, mopped the floor with them.

Now they’re playing at the City Gallery on Saturday night. It’s free. What the hell else do you need to know?

City Gallery Wellington is proud to present The Dead C. These noise/rock heroes who have most recently played in the UK at Thurston Moore‘s All Tomorrow’s Parties festival will perform in the Gallery. Support from local band Thought Creature. Gallery opens at 7. Music starts 8. Be sure to make it to this unique performance.

Here’s a (reasonably famous) video of The Dead C on now-defunct Friday-nite music show Ground Zero in 1999, playing Sky (off what some claim to be their greatest album, Harsh 70s Reality) and talking about Suicide with the hosts:

Flight of the Conchords: Business Time

Wellington’s fourth most popular digi-folk paradists are currently shooting their 12-part HBO comedy series in New York, with fellow Wellingtonians Taika Waititi directing a couple of shows, and Duncan Sarkies providing the script for one of the episodes.

All this, of course, is just an excuse to post some classic Flight of the Conchords for your listening enjoyment. Oooohhh yeahhhh, it’s business time…