Spring festivities

Once again, the Council has put together a great program of events for its annual spring festival. Although there’s no specific website for it, you can download the PDF program here (2.1 Mb, unfortunately). Today (Saturday) is the first day, and it runs through the school holidays to October 9. We like the look of […]

The Challenge. Can the Lions lift the Shield?

“It’s our time,” says Lions captain Ma’a Nonu. Wellington have not held the shield in 23 years and Nonu said the significance would not be lost on the Lions. It is (special to me). It doesn’t come around too often. Last time we won it some of us weren’t even born. It’s now or never […]

World of Wearable Arts

The World of Wearable Arts extravaganza draws closer every day, as can be seen with the excellent Kirks display that Tom at Wellurban was so kind to photograph and upload to flickr. The show itself starts tomorrow (Fri 23 Sep), with the Awards evening at the Queens Wharf Event Centre, and subsequent shows on the […]

Lee “Scratch” Perry at the Wellington Town Hall

Photo © karimsahai.com. Used with permission. Lee “Scratch” Perry and The Mad Professor performed At The Town Hall last night – Karim Sahai was there with camera in hand, and got some fantastic pix. Enjoy.

Bot Gardens this weekend – Trees, Tulips and er… a fairy.

The best of the region’s tree climbers head for the skies at the Botanic Garden on Saturday 24 September. The annual New Zealand Arboricultural Association Regional Tree Climbing Competition – a chance for competitors to show off their skill, strength and agility – is on between 9.00am and 4.00pm in 30 metre-high trees around the […]

Don’t Vote! Governments Always Win!

No… just kidding. It is your duty to vote this Saturday! Get out & do it early, then enjoy the day, and the theatre offered as the results come in. And by all means read & take to heart this advice from Damian Christie at Public Address, on how to score on election day.

Flight of the Conchords

Wellington folk-comedy duo Flight of the Conchords now have their own website up and running, with what promises to be a running diary of their exploits in the UK, as they, in Bret’s words: “…attempt to make it in the cut-throat novelty music scene in England even though we probably won’t, it’s just too cut-throat.” […]

Meet the Candidates!

There’s nothing more traditional to an election campaign than assembling in a local community hall to listen to, and maybe heckle the latest crop of wannabees. And check out who the hell lives in your neighbourhood & who they look (and sound) like they might vote for. At least one Wellingtonista will be at St […]

Wellington Film Society for September

September was supposed to be the second and concluding month of the Wellington Film Society season of French films that “got away”. But two of the scheduled films did just that and we have had to find replacements. FORGET ME has been replaced by another French film from the same source, NIGHT SHIFT, but for […]

Wellington Central candidates meeting @ Aro Valley

The Aro Valley Community Hall Meet the Candidates of Wellington Central meeting has long been one of the highlights of the campaigning that goes on in the build up to an election, and this time around would appear to have been no different. Smack bang in the middle of the hippy-lefty-green hub of Wellington (as […]