Backyard Theatre – Misconceptions

-Misconceptions- Strange images on the fax? A dead Okapi in Copenhagen zoo?? Abused blackberries from the freezer??? And Ratty from The Wind in the Willows???? Who the *#@* is Zoe????? Does she really have wings?????? For the answers see “Misconceptions” – David Lewis’ virtuoso comedy, by turns hilarious and heartbreaking, straight-talking and surreal. Matthew and […]

Wing! Leila! Live!

Wellingtonians are spoilt for choice when it comes to their foreign-born-but-now-kiwi female singing stars tonight, with two of the country’s most distinctive performers putting on shows around town. First up is the debut Wellington appearance of the world famous Wing at the Mercure Hotel on Willis Street. Wing, an expat Hong Kong resident who now […]

Think Big

The Wellington City Council is calling for new ideas for projects that could be funded by the Plimmer Bequest – a bequest for beautifying Wellington’s bays, beaches and reserves. The Oriental Bay Beach development was the last project to be funded by the bequest. Projects that would be considered include planting trees, water features, scenic […]

Te Horo’s Hydeaway!

I know a dark secluded place A place where no one knows your face A glass of wine a fast embrace It’s called…Te Horo’s Hydeaway…CAFE (Apologies to Adler & Ross.) About 50 minutes drive North of Wellingon on State Highway 1, is the turnoff to Te Horo beach. On the corner on your left, is […]

The Best Bang Since the Big One?

If I understand this correctly, at around 5.52pm tonight, in the sky near Jupiter (very bright & very high in the North at that time), there may be a big explosion in space…. STUFF : INSIGHT – STORY : Comet versus spacecraft probe. Update: Apologies for the worst post ever – wrong night, wrong direction. […]

Cameron Burnell Photography

We’ve just discovered and added Cameron Burnell’s excellent photoblog to our links list. Cameron was the man behind the also brilliant A Wellingtonian in Aceh photoblog, and both sites are well worth your time. [Hat tip to Bloggreen]

lions in the house

army Originally uploaded by dubh. Town is fully swinging this evening for the 2nd test between the Lions and the All Blacks. So much so that even some of the more suburban orientated of the Wellingtonist collective found ourselves in Courtenay Place this afternoon, sampling the atmosphere. And what atmosphere it was: a good natured […]

Wellington Film festival – We Recommend…

God! Where to start? We’re about a third way through the programme & EVERYTHING so far looks like a must see. Kudos to Mr Gosden & his team this year. Disclaimer: Our opinions are not infallible, we saw a promisingly enthralling documentary a few years ago called Hybrid… and it was literally watching corn grow… […]

Where to watch the All Blacks

If you didn’t fly down to Christchurch for the first test, don’t have tickets to the Wellington game (Saturday 2nd July) or can’t be doing with all those Aucklanders for the final test (Saturday 9th July) then how about these options. Courtenay Place, “Party Zone” Courtenay Place will be closed to traffic and transformed into […]

The early Friday test build-up

We’re nearly through the Lions tour with just a few more days to go and back to normality for us all. The camper vans are piling up from the South, the bars are hanging Welsh/Irish/English and even Scottish flags and the events coordinators are panicking with the final details. We’re even bumping into Lions fans […]