A flag for our time

A weekend trip to the outer reaches of Wellingtonist coverage ended with a cracking visit to Pataka at Porirua and in particular the comprehensive and thought provoking ‘Symbols of Sovereignty‘ series. Outlining the extraordinary evolution of flags in New Zealand this a series of five exhibitions all with a flag theme: JACK OR BLACK – […]

Fix it!

Yes, just like Bob the Builder and Winston Peters, the Wellington City Council is asking the question: Can we fix it? And apparently, the answer is “yes we can”. The Council has recently introduced a Fix It page to their (already excellent) website, where you can let the Council now of any problems in your […]

romp pomp a stomp

Dorothy the Dinosaur and friends will be hitting the St James on Friday 22nd July. A goodly number of the Wellingtonist kids went to the Wiggles recently, and no doubt will be wanting to attend this gig too. As Wellingtonist friend Martha says: Anyone who missed the Wiggles – stop crying! Dorothy is coming with […]

Wellington from space

Can just about make out the Wellingtonist Towers… Google Maps

A preview of coming attractions…. soon!

That’s a clever quote from Hitchcock’s Rear Window… But that’s irrelevant right now… Coming soon (only just scored the brochure, so bear with us)… I’ll give you my legendary (unaffiliated with any sponsors – so far…) Film Festival rundown. What’s hot, what’s good (they’re all good), what’s heart-warming, what’s art-house, what’s sleaze, what’s art-house sleaze, […]

Wellington boy done good

Well, Titahi Bay boy, but close enough for us. Michael Campbell has pulled off one of New Zealand’s greatest sporting achievements ever, by winning this year’s US Golf Open (held at Pinehurst, North Carolina). It’s only the second time a kiwi has won one of the four big majors, and it’s been a long wait […]

Rata Planting begins on Tinakori Hill

About 1200 aging pine trees were removed during the recent Tinakori Hill clean up, but over the next five years, Project Crimson and the Wellington City Council will be planting around 7500 northern rata (metrosideros robusta). Northern rata are indigenous to the Wellington area and live for hundreds of years. The first 1500 baby trees […]

Fireworks in Petone

Here we are recommending you to head North up the motorway for the second time in as many weeks, but we suspect the mid-winter fireworks display to be held off the Petone beach tomorrow night (Sat 18 June), will be well worth it. According to the official press release over at the Hutt City Council […]

Young and Hungry

The latest Young and Hungry season gets underway this week at Bats, with three new plays being staged by crews of (mostly) young and aspiring thespians. This play – The Many Faces of Kelly J Loko – particularly caught the eye. From the blurb… Laptops, i-pods, chat rooms and text messaging – welcome to the […]


Last night, unwinding from a hard week, we stopped by the new Cabaret outfit adjoining Chow on Tory Street to check out the entertainment. It’s a lovely space – the decor is wonderfully elegant: dark wooden tables, wood louvres, beautiful carpet and remarkable lightshades. There’s a warm red backdrop to the stage where I saw […]