Action! Claude Rains brings it to the Hutt.

If you happened to be cruising near the Avalon Skate Park a couple of weekends ago, you may have been lucky enough to witness a most unusual scene, local band Claude Rains were filming their first music video for their upcoming, self-titled first album. Director Gwen Isaac pulled in some favours and there was a […]

Pirates at Roar

Shiver me timbers, prepare to enter the wicked world of pirates.  Eight artists will sail the seven seas discovering pirate treasure.  Jewellers Buster Collins, Vaune Mason and Amanda Howley are taking on the accessories of pirate-ism with a vengeance.  From eye patches to collars, hooks to compass rings, these jewellers will provide all the treats and treasures that really […]

A super great night with Gamefroot

Last night the City Gallery played host to the launch of Gamefroot, a new platform on which to build platform games – or more specifically, a HTML5 Game Creation tool. If you can use a web browser and if you can use mouse to click and drag – then you can use Gamefroot. The bar has […]

Sweetie darling mwah

It was with slight trepidation I signed up to cover Wellington Fashion Week. I do love clothes, but I don’t know anything about fashion shows. I’m willing to learn though, and it was a good chance to pull on my best shoes. Joanna and the Fly and I trotted off to the opening party on […]

A farewell

So, OMG, this is my final post for the Wellingtonista. I’m leaving this town for a more northerly location. I’m sad to leave Wellington and the W’ista, but it’s been a fun four years. I’ve met lots of cool people, had lots of amazing experiences and shared them with y’all. As my farewell, I present […]

Binge Culture takes on Lucrece

“Audience members will be seated close enough to touch the performers and viewers will be encouraged to think about the ways they look at women’s bodies – both on film and in the flesh.” No, that’s not the press release from Wellington Fashion Week. Instead, it’s Lucrece: An Adaptation of Shakespeare’s the Rape of Lucrece, […]

Feliz cumpleaños, La Boca Loca!

Our favourite Miramar Mexican restaurant is turning one, and to celebrate, they invited us along to learn how to make tortillas, and to taste some tequila. It’s a hard life being a Wellingtonista, but if we have to rub shoulders with mouth heroes like Jonny and Rachel and Martin, well these are the lengths we’ll […]

a visit to Zealandia

Over Easter, the weather suddenly went all settled and warm. This is perhaps not unusual for autumn, but given the crap summer most parts of the country have had for the past few months it was somewhat unexpected. In fact the forecast for Easter was so dire that it played a reasonable part in us […]

I’d rather be under the sea

It’s been too long since you last lost yourself on the dance floor, right? And you haven’t dressed up in ages. You can’t even remember the last time that you drank a bright blue cocktail. Oh yes, we’re feeling your pain. And even more than just feeling it – we want to fix it. And […]

WYFC first birthday party, Easter Sunday

There’s a group of truly awesome people in Wellington who do great things, and they’re having a party. Doesn’t that sound like the sort of thing you should attend? Yes! Come to the WYFC’s first birthday, and help us celebrate our first year and bring in our second. In the last year we’ve helped raise […]