Joel, a Pākeha man, stands outside the beehive and smiles

Meet Joel MacManus, the journalist that Wellington actually deserves

It’s been a very weird week in Wellington where we’re thinking actually Chris Bishop has done good for once with the District Plan? Very strange position to be in. Obviously, city councilors who want a city for the living and future have pushed for this for a very long time, but I don’t think it […]

Dan at the head of the FishHead

How time flies! Five years since we hit the launch party, FishHead magazine is going from strength to strength, no doubt because they’ve been smart enough to solicit a bunch of Wellingtonista contributors (I wrote in the very first issue, current ‘istas Tom Beard and Tom Goulter and gone fishin’ Hadyn Green are all regular columnists). […]

This fish is still fresh, even after two years

Happy second birthday to our favourite Wellington print media, Fishhead! Thanks for the fun reads, the great parties , and for giving our city a magazine and fantastic quiz host/Jam MC. Their second birthday issue is out now in shops everywhere. Here’s to lots more!  

Who’s the coolest of them all?

So, the news is out – on the front page of the DomPost, an advertising colour supplement, and banners all along the Golden Mile: Wellington is the “coolest little capital in the world”.

Who's the coolest of them all?

So, the news is out – on the front page of the DomPost, an advertising colour supplement, and banners all along the Golden Mile: Wellington is the “coolest little capital in the world”. Yep, that means Wellington has beaten out other little capital cities such as Vatican City, Dili, Kabul and Apia to be the […]

Wellingtonista Radio Show ep 02

Last week saw the quiet but confident debut of the Wellingtonista Radio Show on The VBC. You can listen to an edited version of the show here Wellingtonista_Show_EP01 (right-click, save as), and hopefully we’ll get our podcasting steez together and start publishing the shows as umm.. podcasts.

I’ll be presenting the second show, same time: 7pm – 9pm, tonight.

Tech info after the jump…

Wellingtonista Radio Show

Just a wee heads up: I’ll be presenting the very first Wellingtonista Radio Show on The VBC tonight. The VBC is the student owned and operated/community LPFM radio station broadcasting on 88.3FM, based at the Kelburn Campus of Victoria University of Wellington, in New Zealand.


Ponoko make the Grey Lady

Ponoko in the NYTLocal start-up and Friends-of-Wellingtonista Ponoko (among other connections to us they’re also part-sponsor of our awards this year) have their picture at the top of an interesting article in the tech section of today’s New York Times. The article talks about the rise of internet-aided design and making and describes Ponoko thus:

Ponoko, a company based in New Zealand, allows customers to upload designs for flat shapes that can then be snapped together like Ikea furniture. Making a prototype can be as simple as cutting shapes out of cardboard. Users then create a digital version and send it to Ponoko, which cuts the pattern out in metal or wood with a laser.

There’s a fair head of global buzz building up around Ponoko, whose potential extends far beyond the Times’ fairly neutral description of what can be achieved with them today.

And as for us: well, we were very excited to note what looks like a prototype of the highly sought after 2nd Annual Wellingtonista Award trophy visible on the table between Dave and Derek. So maybe this means we’ve made the Times as well?

P pipes seized from dairies

Anyone else find it amusing that every single dairy in Wellington today had the Dominion Post‘s “P pipes seized from dairies!” story on proud display out in front of their respective shops.

(And is there a technical term for those wire-frame things that hold the big one-page headline banner for the day?)

Numero Uno? Numero no no!

(Issue two is out now, but I have been slow. All judgments below are based on the first issue. I’m not buying another one to see if it’s improved.)

When I saw the first issue of Uno on the shelves at the supermarket, I was hoping it would be the Wellington equivalent of Metro – on a good day, not all “Why your kids’ school will give you cancer and never let them buy a house” Listeneresque. But it’s not. It’s really, really not. Instead it turns out that Uno is every bit as advertising-copy driven as the Wellington Guide – without the advantage of at least being Welly exclusive. I suppose I should have known better give that Wellington’s official villain of 2006 is on the cover. After the jump, more reasons not to waste $9.95.