Shadow of figure sitting down in front of two wall size projected images of an abstract image of thousands of blue coloured lines

The Grid – New Digital Art Space

Written by Nadia Freeman Wellington’s newest and potentially first digital art space opened this month, and I am deeply appreciative of the entrepreneurial spirit of Shannon Brosnahan Inglis and Delainy Jamahl. In an era when investment in the arts is dwindling, launching a venture of this scale and quality is inspiring. Initiatives like this infuse […]

that thing called weather

Wellington is having a bit of weather at the moment, sure we get weather 24/7 but this weather, it’s Spectacular Southerly Weather! I’m not sure what would justify all caps weather but here’s a little trip around the south coast to show you how things roll into Wellington when we have Weather if you are […]

Snow in Cuba

You might not have noticed, but it’s pretty cold in Wellington right now. In fact, let us be the very first people to tell you: it’s snowing in some parts. Woah! Now we have dispensed with the usual sarcasm, please enjoy this beautiful video by Ro Tierney of the snow in Cuba Mall. Snow on […]


So, anyone else not trusting this weather?

This Wellington, she is a fickle mistress.

So that’s what they mean by ‘isolated showers’

Looking south from Waitangi Park as yesterday evening’s southerly change was coming in.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Any poor sod who was stuck under this could feel justified in feeling picked on by the elements, but most of the Wellingtonista Great Blend team was already safely ensconced in Port Café scoffing fish ‘n’ chips with BYO wine. A Great Blend round-up will no doubt follow from one of my diligent colleagues.

The Cook Strait Rollercoaster Ride

Shot by an ex-workmate of Wellingtonistas Tom and Noizy, presumably spread by the magic of email, and now shared to the world thanks to someone in the UK, here’s some footage to rival that of our previous YouTube hit ‘Classic Landings at Wellington Airport‘.

This time it’s some serious weather doing its thing in Cook Strait, with the captain of the ferry Suilven deciding no gigantic swells were going to stop him from getting his freight and passengers to the South Island. Much, one thinks, to the horror of his passengers, who probably spent most of the trip in white-knuckled terror as the ship pitched and yawed its way across this particularly hostile stretch of ocean water.

Details on just how horrific the weather conditions (and a few stills of the Suilven making its way over some mountainous waves) can be found at the MetService site.

[hat-tip: spare room]

What’s on in wonderful (wet*) Wellington this weeekend

If they** are correct then it’s gonna be a weekend of indoor activities this weekend and here at Wellingtonista Towers we are great advocates of NOT sitting around and merely watching the goggle-box.

And so, how could you entertain yourselves, little people under your command and those out-of-town visitors you’ve been supplied with? How about these to get the creative juices flowing:

And if none of these grab you by the fancy parts then check out the following excellent “what’s on” sites

Wellington sunniest main centre in September

“September was drier and sunnier than normal in many regions especially during the first two weeks of the month, the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (Niwa) said yesterday. Of the four main centres, Wellington, which was warmer and drier than average, was the sunniest with 185 hours, Christchurch was cloudier and drier than […]

Links for Monday, 30 May 2005

A couple more additions to the ‘Let me count the ways…‘ Wellingtonist meme, from Sibylle at heimatseeker and Mr Reasonable at Whispering Inferno The Wellington City Council in-fighting reaches new lows Tornado action in Paraparaumu, resulting in this from MetService… Severe-weather forecaster Paul Mallinson said he had “almost mentioned weak tornadoes” in predictions for the […]