The Phoenix Foundation: Bob Lennon John Dylan

The new Phoenix Foundation video is very good. That is all. (From the Tom’s Lunch EP, which you can listen to and buy over at bandcamp).

Can it really be the end?

Well the Castle that Cares is on its last week and boy is there a line-up celebrating the highlights and the high-nights of the good ship Mighty Mighty. We’ve Wellingtonisata Awarded prizes there, we’re broken up, pashed up, made up, spewed up, chatted up, felt up and partied hard with the best of them. And […]

New Zealand Festival

The New Zealand Festival starts with this free event tonight in Civic Square. I’ve heard there will be more dancing than sitting so wear your dancing shoes. Also opening tonight – the Doctor Who Symphonic Spectacular, Deca Dance, Needles & Opium, and Our Broken Voice, plus the visual art exhibitions. See you there!

Live Leader Board

      Here at the Wellingtonista we’re firm faves of Richard Aindow – former editor of Fish Head magazine, and Quiz Master of Wednesday nights at Mighty Mighty – so we were pleasantly surprised to catch him outside the Rogue & Vagabond last night with a group of lycra-clad lit-up young ladies in incandescent costumes. […]

Craig Terris – The Hills of Song

Craig Terris‘s new music video (directed by Sean Dekkers) for the second single off his Bleat your Heart Out album is a wee gem. Enjoy…

Drumming up support

In Wellington, which continues to be the cultural capital, no matter what Auckland might try to pretend, there are probably a lot of conversations to be had about Boosted, which was set up by the Arts Foundation as a rewards-free Pledgeme, or another tax-deductable Givealittle, except that they take a cut. Nat Torkington’s thoughts might […]

Old halls come alive with new music

You know the drill. You go to the same bar every week and pay tons for booze, and have to deal with a loud crowd who are just there to be seen and who talk through the music you’ve paid to see, and you just think “ugh! I hate this, it’s all the same and […]

Sky Dancer in the Capital E National Arts Festival

We’re grownups at the Wellingtonista, well, unless there’s a fart joke to be made, so when there’s a National Arts Festival for Children, we thought it would be good to get some children involved, so here are three reviews of Sky Dancer. Henry, age 11:  “Sky Dancer was not like anything I have seen before. […]

Three dates for your diary

This is a somewhat random roundup of press releases that caught my eye. October 25 (that’s tomorrow) sees Powertool Records present Bulletholes 4: Exploring the Unknown – the New Zealand roadshow at Bar Medusa. I don’t actually know any of the bands featuring, nor can I testify to how the album sounds, but nine years ago […]

The Bats Ride Again

The Bats are playing in Wellington on Saturday, November 3rd at Bar Bodega. As a frequent attendee of their gigs I can attest to their consistent awesomenes. The loyal following of groupies, supporters for over 30 years in many instances, indicates I’m not alone. Indulge me by enjoying some classic Bats with North by North, […]