Wellingtonista on the telly

Last night, our fearless editoress Joanna appeared on Media7. The episode was dedicated to regional media coverage of mayoral campaigns, from Northland to Southland. Joanna talked about the Wellingtonista’s mayoral candidate questionnaire, including that one candidate who couldn’t follow directions.

Jo did us proud, and skilfully managed to glamorously coordinate with the Media 7 set. You can watch the episode in full here.

After seeing the clips of regional telly in other parts of New Zealand, it makes me wish for Wellington to have its own low-budget, slightly crappy regional television channel.

And speaking of Wellington local body politics and TVNZ 7, on Wednesday night, Back Benches held a debate with the Wellington mayoral candidates, focusing on transport and tourism. Watch the episode here.

What’s happened to Offbeat Originals?

What’s happened to Offbeat Originals?

A sign has appeared on the door of the TAWA-nominated cafe advising the popular joint is "closed until further notice".

This news has thrown the Wellington beatnik and hipster community into a disarray. Where will we go for our toasties, tofu burgers and peanut butter and chocolate shakes? Where will we sit in the sun listening to bangin’ old punk?

A Facebook group called Save Offbeat Originals has been created, hinting that perhaps an evil corporation has something to do with it.

But at this stage, we still don’t know what’s behind Offbeat’s sudden closure. If you have any info, leave a comment.

Simon Marsh answers our questions

We offered to publish the answers from any candidates in the local body elections and Simon Marsh who is standing in the Eastern Ward has stepped up.

1. You have 30 seconds to convince someone to come to Wellington. What’s your pitch?
It’s a city with a beating heart and good people. You’ll love WOW, The Sevens, Te Papa, City Gallery, shopping and business opportunities.

2. How do you think traffic flow to the hospital and airport could be improved?
Safer cycling routes, wider roads, convenient and reliable public transport, progress on Basin Reserve/Mt Vic bottleneck.

3. Where do you stand on the issue of opening up government data?
All data? We compete in a global market, why tell the world our plans before we implement them.

4. What plans have do you have to improve recycling/composting facilities?
Roll on household recycling wheelibins. Offer each household one annual free dump pass for green waste only.

5. What is your policy on street alcoholics?
Support the Salvation Army and others that have the skill but few funds to help.

6. Do you support pedestrianisation of the Golden Mile? Why/Why not?
No, it’s impractical for an ageing population and also will incur major flow problems with public transport on the adjacent roads.

7. What’s the last local market you went to? What did you buy?
Chaffers, Broccoli.

8. Describe your bicycle, or your favourite bus route?
Two wheels, grey and No 11.

Debunking the Target urban myth

For the past couple of years, we keep hearing people tell us not to go to a certain ethnic restaurant because “they were filmed by Target scraping leftover food back into the food to sell” and various other stories along the same lines. We got an email recently saying that someone else had heard the rumours, but had also heard that Target never actually filmed there. So we put on our Serious Investigative Journalist Hats, and sent out two very easy emails set out on a quest to discover the truth. Target wrote us back:

Yes we’ve been getting that for years too probably because target was filmed just around the corner at top shelf’s office down there for the first two or three years. Its never been on Target and I have confirmed this with the owner. We think that for a camera to be in the kitchen it must have been another staff member filming. I have no idea if its true or false but again it wasn’t filmed by us and no one in our office ever recalls seeing it. Urban myth?

And just to doublecheck, we emailed an Environmental Health Officer at the Wellington City Council, in the Building Consents and Licensing Services, who told us that this particular restaurant has a Certificate of Registration valid until July 2011. So can people please stop spreading this rumour? It’s ridiculous and untrue. If you don’t like the food, don’t eat there, but find another target for your defamation.

And no, we’re not going to name the restaurant in question if you haven’t heard the rumours, because mud clearly sticks regardless of whether it’s deserved or not.

Need something indoors to do with the kids?

During the school holidays the good folk at the Film Archive run a kids movie programmed called Mini Sized Square Eyes (not to be confused with the Square Eyes Foundation).

Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 11am during the holidays the kids can be entertained for an hour with gems from the Archive’s extensive collections, including the original film version of Where the Wild Things Are, early Walt Disney animation and classic slices of NZ experiments on film. Screenings designed for kids aged 4 – 12 years. Buggies welcome.

Entry by gold coin donation.


Mike Mellor answers our questions

We offered to publish the answers from any candidates in the local body elections and Mike Mellor who is standing in the Eastern Ward has stepped up.

1. You have 30 seconds to convince someone to come to Wellington. What’s your pitch?

WOW 2010

It’s World of WearableArt season again, where scores of ladies (and some gents) converge upon the capital it witness the extravaganza that is the World of WearableArt show. This year’s awards show was held on Friday night, and again The Wellingtonista was invited along for the WOWstravaganza.

The fun of the WOW show is that it’s never just models walking down a catwalk. For a start, WOW uses dancers (and some of the costumes require physical strength and stamina to wear) and that catwalk is an three-headed serpent with rotating circles for maximum display potential.

After the jump, winners and pics galore!

Click Local

North of Wellington is a sunny paradise, known as Petone. Petone and its surrounding suburbs now have their own website created by local webby types, Brent Dickens and Michael Haymes. Click Local sets out to give local people, groups, businesses, artists and organisers a place to promote their ideas and events. Its evolution will depend very much on the people who contribute, so it would be great to see heaps of people get involved.

If you’re keen, contact Brent Dickens: brent@clicklocal.org.nz


John Bishop answers our questions


We offered to publish the answers from any candidates in the local body elections and John Bishop who is standing in Lambton Ward has stepped up.

1. You have 30 seconds to convince someone to come to Wellington. What’s your pitch?

A raft of wonderful entertainment and recreation in a compact city – good for mind, body and soul

2. How do you think traffic flow to the hospital and airport could be improved?

Wider roads, more buses and more space for cyclists. Perhaps light rail too depending on cost

3. Where do you stand on the issue of opening up government data?

Shine the light.

4. What plans have do you have to improve recycling/composting facilities?

Lids on bins to reduce rubbish blowing about. Support council’s new plan for kerbside sorting

Marcus Ganley answers our questions

We offered to publish the answers from any candidates in the local body elections and Marcus Gangley who is standing in the Lambton Ward has stepped up.