2AWA: Best Coffee Beans

Here are the nominees for the Best Local Coffee Beans category for the 2nd Annual Wellingtonista Awards (2AWA)

Hook it straight into my vein:

The Women’s Petition Against Coffee, in 1674, declared:

Only a Pimp to the Tavern, a relishing soop preparative to a fresh debauch: For when people have swill’d themelves with a morning draught of more Ale than brewers horse can carry, hither they come for a pennyworth of Settle-brain . . . and after an hours impertinent Chat, begin to consider a bottle of Claret would do excellent well before Dinner; whereupon to the Bush they all march together, till every one of them is Drunk as a Drum, and then back again to the Coffee-House to drink themselves sober.

We, on the other hand, don’t say anything at all until we’ve had our daily fix. It’s Wellington, it’s coffee that pumps through our hearts and our minds thicker than blood.

(nominees after the jump)

2AWA: Best Public Art

Here are the nominees for the Best Public Art category for the 2nd Annual Wellingtonista Awards (2AWA).

What is that?:

Art is what separates Man from Beast (apart from those monkeys with typewriters who came up with the screenplay for Melody Rules, of course). Therefore it’s only fitting that we recognise the public art around the city that makes Wellington the colourful, vibrant place that it is. Of course, it’s a subjective area, but these are the pieces that really make us do double-takes as we move around.

(nominees after the jump)

2AWA: Best Shop nominations

Here are the nominees for the Best Shop category for the 2nd Annual Wellingtonista Awards (2AWA).

Goodbye pay-packet, hello merchandise:

Sometimes we like to pretend to be filthy hippies, and care about things like globalisation, and consumerism, debt and excessive consumption. But then we see all the shiny things for sale in these shops, and all those thoughts go right out the window as we rush towards the pretties with our arms wide open.

(nominees after the jump)

2AWA: Best Late-Night Venue nominations

Here are the nominees for the Best Late-Night Venue category for the 2nd Annual Wellingtonista Awards (2AWA).

When even Winston Peters has gone to bed, the best bar to go to is:

Sure, town is banging and humming around midnight. But what if the bar you’re in starts closing and you’re not ready to go home yet? Where do you head to then?

(nominees after the jump)

2AWA: Best drink nominations

Here are the nominees for the Best Drink category for the 2nd Annual Wellingtonista Awards (2AWA).

When I am not having a martini, I like to drink a___

There are many many places offering many many cocktails in Wellington, but we want to know what the very best of them is. There’s a party in our collective mouth, and these drinks are invited…

(nominees after the jump)

Announcing the Second Annual Wellingtonista Awards: nominations

The Wellingtonista is ridiculously pleased to announce the Second Annual Wellingtonista Awards. We’ve cut down the previously insanely long title because of all the excitement and adventure that we need to fit in. And hooooooooooo boy, we’ve got some exciting things going on. Here’s what’s going to happen:

  1. Over the next week, we’ll announce the categories and the nominees in a series of posts, with a little bit of a blurb about why we chose them. We’ll also make sure to provide you with a handy map and directions so you can get out there and check out all the nominees.
  2. We’ll open up online voting on November 19, Voting is now open, so you get to have your say. We’ll ask you to include a name and email address so that a) you don’t cheat and b) if you come along to the awards night, you;ll be up for some fantastic prizes.
  3. We’ll close voting on December 4.
  4. On Thursday December 6, we’ll announce the winners at a huge big stonking party, in association with some other very very awesome people who we’ll tell you about as soon as everything is locked down (and let me just say, I’m kinda wetting my pants in glee about it all). We’d love you to come along to our awards and party with us, please. You won’t regret it. Except for in the morning. But after you’ve had another coffee you’ll be fine with it.

Also, this year, at the awards, we will be asking those of you who can to make a donation to the Downtown Community Ministry, and here’s why:

  • We love this city, right? And so therefore, it is important that we actually do good things for it, as well as talking about it all the time.
  • We eat and drink to excess, and it’s awesome that we celebrate that, but it might be nice if we think about the people who have difficulty eating, or who have problems with drinking.
  • Blanket Man was voted Favourite Wellingtonian at the Wellingtonista Awards last year. How about we give some attention to the not-so-visible homeless people?

So get out there and start checking out our nominations as we put them up, and then come back and vote when we open it up on November 19. Yay!

Nominations currently include:

Sleb Sitings – Dan Carter – Mercer Street

Woohoo – if we’re not mistaken there are two male underwear models in town.

Dan & Friends

No idea where Mark Wahlberg can be found, but Dan Carter can be spotted today at his very own store in Mercer Street. We think it might be called GAS or something.

Story here, at Stuff.co.nz

Cinephilia: Opening This Week

Death Proof posterI have it on good authority that Quentin Tarantino gave his personal permission for the Film Festival to screen the complete Grindhouse exploitation double-feature as he and Robert Rodriguez intended, despite it being yanked early from American cinemas due to dismal box office: however Roadshow intervened to prevent the screening and the only way NZ audiences can see Grindhouse will be on DVD at some future time. That big screen experience has been replaced by an expanded version of Tarantino’s Death Proof, opening today at Readings and Sky City Queensgate. The tale of a crazed stuntman (Kurt Russell) stalking two sets of beautiful women including kiwi stuntie Zoe Bell and Sydney Poitier, Death Proof looks like more of that patented Tarantino-like fun.

The rest of this week’s new releases after the jump…

To stand or not to stand, that is the question

It’s not easy to keep your balance on a trolley bus if you are wearing vertiginous high heels or are weighed down with shopping. It can feel like surfing rather than just riding the bus. But spare a thought for those whose seatlessness is more than just an inconvenience. In recent months, this Wellingtonista has noticed her protruding baby bump doesn’t get her a coveted seat on a packed peak hour bus. I can be standing with my bump right in some civil servant’s face and he won’t budge. And just this morning, I watched embarrassed at myself and my fellow Wellingtonians, as a woman with Parkinson’s struggled to hang onto a pole as our bus swept down Brooklyn Hill packed to the gunnels with people looking the other way. Have Wellingtonians lost their benevolence for their fellow man – all for the price of a seat on the bus? Surely the people of my beloved city are better than that? Surely?

Trolley buses, how do they do it?

seashelle's Flickr: Island Bay -trolleybuslines

How do trolley buses get their poles to go right or left when they come to a junction?

Leave a comment to tell me how …