Tell us what you really think

Two challenges for today.

1. We’ve started work on planning the Second Annual Wellingtonista Awards for Excellence in the field of Achievement, and so we’d like your feedback on how the awards for you last year, what you liked, what you didn’t like, and what we should change.

2. We’re lazy, so come up with a plan to answer this for a friend who’s planning a trip to Wellington:

i want to go somewhere and drink cocktails. and i want tasty cafes for lunches and at least one reasonably nice restaurant, and maybe a nice but cheap one too.

Halloween Howl II

It may come as somewhat of a surprise to you to discover that Wellington has a pro-wrestling circuit. However, now you know, you really must come along to Halloween Howl II on Saturday October 27. It starts at 7.30pm so you’ll be out in time to attend other Halloween shindigs, and damn, it’s men in tights. Writhing around on a mat together. How rad is that? We especially recommend that you cheer for Lazarus Volt, and that you come dressed up to go with the Halloween theme.

Mighty Good Times

This newbie member of the Wellingtonista was beaten to punch when it came to reporting on the glad-wrapping record attempt at the Mighty Mighty. However I thought I would add my two cents worth about the night and the overall friendliness of the Mighty Mighty for the female solo traveler.

 First off, why was I heading into the night to be mummified in the first place? Well sometimes you have the kind of week where you wish that someone would render you mostly immobile by glad-wrapping your arms to the side of your body. While this does present technical difficulties when it comes to drinking beer, it does keep your hands off the keyboard for awhile! The experience reminded me somewhat of Tokyo morning rush hour trains, the term "sushi zume" packed like sushi seemed pretty apt as the final circular wrap was made around 41(?) people. The chances of being groped were about the same (you might be surprised how creative some people can be even with their hands firmly wrapped to themselves) but there were fewer suits and more hippies and smiles on this love train. Oh and free jagermeister.

The Wellingtonista guide to drinking for free

Now, don’t get me wrong: we Wellingtonistas are not usually parsimonious when it comes to paying for drinks. On the other hand, we’re a canny and logical bunch, and it only takes about 10 free glasses of house wine to save up enough for a Mega Mai Tai, so in the long run it pays to seek out gratis grog.
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Let’s start with the obvious: gallery openings and launches. You can get lucky by simply cruising the streets on a midweek night seeking the tell-tale sounds of clinking glasses and poststructuralist discourse, but dedicated cheapskates know that the best way to guarantee results is to get on the mailing lists.

Genevieve Packer: Wish You Were Here

Genevieve Packer, probably known best for her Hutt Valley and State House tee-shirts, has taken over Old Victoria Arcade for her Master of Design exhibition.

The show is open 12 noon until 6 pm on Thursday – Sunday, from the 18th of October to the 4th of November. Gen’s site is here.

Cinephilia: Opening This Week

Atonement posterThe best grown-up film of the year opens today. Atonement is directed by up-and-comer Joe Wright (Pride & Prejudice) and is adapted from the acclaimed novel by Ian McEwan. 12 year old Briony Tallis (played by Saoirse Ronan from Peter Jackson’s forthcoming The Lovely Bones) tells a terrible lie, condemning family friend Robbie Turner (James McAvoy) to prison and disgrace and her sister Cecilia (Keira Knightley) to heartbreak and loss. It takes a lifetime for Briony to atone. Atonement is playing at the Embassy, Readings, Penthouse, Lighthouse Petone and the Empire Island Bay.

New Zealand vampire thriller Perfect Creature gets a long-awaited cinema release, more than two years after completion. Directed by Glenn Standring (The Irrefutable Truth About Demons) and starring imports Dougray Scott and Saffron Burrowns along with locals Scott Wills and Robbie Magasiva, Perfect Creature offers us an alternative New Zealand known as Nuovo Zelandia where vampires and humans peacefully co-exist – until the balance is challenged by a renegade vampire known as Edgar (Leo Gregory). Readings, Embassy and Sky City Queensgate.

A kinder, gentler option is provided by Conversations With My Gardener from director Jean Becker (Children of the Marshlands). Daniel Auteuil plays an artist who returns to the family home to escape a messy divorce and renews a friendship with the old school mate (Jean-Pierre Darroussin) who tends his veggie garden. Penthouse and Lighthouse Petone.

Finally, the Italian Film Festival kicked off with a gala shindig at the Paramount last night. It runs for a fortnight and there’s plenty to keep you entertained.

Atonement and Conversations With My Gardener are reviewed at Funerals & Snakes, to be joined next week by Perfect Creature.

aleatoric – Wellington word of the week

Don’t say that we at Wellingtonista Towers don’t know nuffink.


Aleatory means “pertaining to luck”, and derives from the Latin word alea, the rolling of dice. Aleatoric, indeterminate, or chance art is that which exploits the principle of randomness.

Source: Wikipedia, of course

How this relates to Wellington – I think it was fairly aleatoric that there was no-one worth a Wellington Windy Day standing against Kerry Prendergast otherwise she’d be history*

* the views expressed in this posting are the authors own and don’t reflect on other posters

Exhibition – Deborah Barton

Deborah Barton Deborah Barton is a Wellington-based print maker. She has done a number of exhibitions, and is about to open at the Solander Gallery in Lyall Bay this Saturday, 13 October.

Deborah’s prints are dark and intriguing, with overtones of childhood mysteries.

And now for the good news. As a young artist Deborah’s work is surprisingly reasonably priced…

Need I say more.

Have You Voted?

If your votes aren’t in the mail today you’re probably going to have to deliver them personally to ensure you get your ticks in before noon on Saturday.

The Wellingtonista (a collective entity that has assimilated all individuality) agonised mightily whether it would instruct you in how to vote & who for, but in the end we plumped for freedom of choice for all.

So please exercise it.

Issues we are passionate about though, and therefore worth perusing candidate puff pieces for any mention thereof, are transport, including roading proposals & light rail, rampant & unchecked property developments & developers, and most importantly, the complete absence of tiki bars in the city.

We did consider reviewing every mayoral candidate’s website & reporting back the number of typos & errors, but we gave up after Jo found 54 on one page of John McGrath’s site. The job is too big for us.

Cinephilia: Opening This Week

The Devil Dared Me To posterIn 2006 the New Zealand Film Commission announced a new ultra-low budget feature film scheme called Headstrong and asked for submissions. The Headstrong team (including the Incredibly Strange Ant Timpson, director Paul Swadel and producer Leanne Saunders) went through the 300 scripts to select 10 to develop in the hope that four would go in to production. The first completed film gets a large scale national release today: The Devil Dared Me To (in which legendary stuntman Randy Campbell attempts to jump Cook Strait in a rocket car).

The Devil is screening at Readings, Empire, Regent-on-Manners, Sky City Queensgate

At Readings, Lighthouse Petone and the Penthouse, Angelina Jolie plays Marianne Pearl, widow of murdered journalist Daniel Pearl, in the true story A Mighty Heart. Directed by the great Michael Winterbottom, A Mighty Heart has been described as “moving and frighteningly real” by the LA Times.

[The rest of this week’s new releases after the jump]