2AWA: Best Cheap Eats

Eating is important. So is managing your budget. These places offer good ways to combine the two. When we get cheap food, we want it to satisfy us. We want a good-sized serving, and we want it to be tasty, interesting and preferably from a nice place to dine. Like these places…

I just found $20, so it’ll be dinner at:

Cheap eats after the jump…

2AWA: Wellingtonian of the year?

What do you love the most about our city, and who has helped create that? Is it the hospitality scene? Sports? Music and comedy? The Silicon Welly scene? These people all have been instrumental in making our city as fun as it is. Now give them some love in return!

Damn I’m proud you’re from Wellington:

Superheroes after the jump…

2AWA:Best Non-Drinking Venue?

It doesn’t happen all that often, but occasionally the Wellingtonistas will plan excursions with friends from out of town that don’t entirely revolve around a bar. And on those times, we want to do things that are a little bit touristy, but not overly so, so this is how we do it.

How I entertain those from out of town who might not want to drink all day:

After the jump, tourist activities ho!

2AWA: Hottest Hospo of the Year

We had a rather heated debate over the Wellingtonista email list over the inclusion of this category in the awards, with one person thinking it was derogatory and insulting. That person got told quite sternly to “READ THE WIKI ALREADY!” so they could discover that the hospitality people we were paying tribute to weren’t being objectified merely for their looks, but also for the quality of service that they provide and the way that they contribute to the overall experience of a place. And that’s not objectifying at all, honest…

Can I have a pint…and your phone number, thanks:
Hotties (or rather: ‘talented good people’) are after the jump…

Cinephilia: Opening This Week

Elizabeth posterI was really hoping they were going to to call the Elizabeth sequel Elizabeth II but instead it is Elizabeth: The Golden Age. Co-artistic-director-designate of the Sydney Theatre Company and Elf Queen, Cate Blanchett returns to play Elizabeth. She’s still fighting catholics but this time they are amassed off the coast in an Armada. Clive Owen plays Errol Flynn as Walter Raleigh. Penthouse, Readings, Lighthouse Petone, Rialto, Sky City Queensgate, Embassy

Christmas is here and the first “holiday” movie off the rank is Fred Claus at Readings, Regent-on-Manners and Sky City Queensgate. Paul Giamatti is Santa and Vince Vaughan plays his layabout little brother Fred (a bit like Billy Carter or Roger Clinton).

Older readers will remember the days when Kevin Costner was the biggest star in the Hollywood firmament. Despite some career mis-steps he remains a watchable performer and this week he flicks the serial killer switch in Mr Brooks at Readings, Regent-on-Manners, Sky City Queensgate. The twist is that William Hurt plays his alter-ego, a bit like Jekyll and Hyde.

Finally, a potential arthouse treat at the Paramount. Golden Door follows turn of the century immigrants from Sicily to Ellis Island and stars Charlotte Gainsbourg. It won six awards at the 2006 Venice Film Festival including the Silver Lion.

All these films will be reviewed at Funerals & Snakes next Wednesday (and in print in the Capital Times on the same day) .

2AWA: Best Suburban Venue

It probably wouldn’t be an unfair call to say that the Wellingtonista focuses most of its attentions on the inner city, despite the fact that some of us live out in the wilds, like Hataitai, Karori and Petone. But that doesn’t mean we’re not aware that there are many awesome things going on outside of Te Aro, and so this category is all about paying tribute to them.

Good things happen in the suburbs too, honest – like this place:

Places after the jump…

2AWA: Best 2007 Wellington-based Event

There’s always something going on in Wellington, and we try our very best to keep you informed. Being only human, there are plenty of things that we miss, but there’s no way in Hell we would have missed any of the things below:
The event that made me get off my arse the most:

Events after the jump…

2AWA: Most Needed

Here are the nominees for the Most Needed category for the 2nd Annual Wellingtonista Awards (2AWA)

Wellington most needs:

Wellington’s pretty close to perfection, but there are a few things that we need. More smart people to participate in local elections so we don’t end up with Kerry again. A living wage for the Wellingtonistas. More celebrities, apparently. And also these things:

(nominees after the jump)

2AWA: Best Building

We have the serious hots for some of the architects architecture around town. Buildings that not only function as they were intended but also make the streets a more exciting and pleasant place to be make us happy people.

Put on the Barry White because if this building was a person, I would be making sweet sweet luuurve to it right now:

After the jump, we present the buildings…

2AWA: Best Dub Dub Dubber

Here are the nominees for the Best Dub Dub Dubber category for the 2nd Annual Wellingtonista Awards (2AWA).


We love Wellington. And we love the Interwebs. So what could we love more than someone writing from Wellington on the Interweb? Exactly. Our nominees are a diverse bunch to reflect the tremendous amount of talent that goes on in our city, and to represent all kinds of different things..

(nominees after the jump)