Wellington on a delicious plate

It has been a couple of weeks now since the launch of the Visa Wellington on a Plate programme, and we have been very remiss in not telling you about it. Your credit card, however, will thank us, as many of the events are now sold out. The launch was held in Mojo’s roasting premises […]

The insider’s guide to shopping at Craft 2.0

This guest post comes direct to us via the very talented Emma of Emma Makes This Saturday it’s Craft 2.0 time again and I’ll be selling. I thought I’d also share some of my inside tips to making the most of the fair… Become a friend of Craft 2.0 Signing up to become a friend […]

Big Drypnz

If you’re in the market for a real bona fide “Holy shit, look at that!” experience, try heading down to the eastern end of Abel Smith Street, opposite the Southern Cross. Where on the corner of Wigan Street there was once a Tattoo Museum (or this), with an imposing moai on the street front (image), […]

Notional Significance: Clearing

 [See all Notional Significance posts] The offramp leads me down into what, for want of a better term, I will call the heart of Johnsonville. The local RSA greets me with a Bofors gun and an ad for its eponymous restaurant (“Family Friendly Environment”). Along with the Salvation Army, Super Liquor, a service station and […]

Erm, an antidote to Wellywood?

At the 48 Hour Film Fest this week the pines up on Mt Vic got a certain amount of screen time in one video in particular – the winner of the Best Worst category. Here the pines star again, this time as a Magical Forest in the latest creation from the nut bars behind I […]

What year is St. Patrick’s College living in?

When I was 15,  I had my first ever pash. I was at Onslow, but my best friend’s boyfriend went to St Pat’s (Town) so one New Year’s, we got to hang out with some of the boys from there. There was a party in Strathmore, a New Year’s Countdown in a tunnel, a Haka […]

cuckoo for caffeine

You may be wandering along the waterfront later in the year when a crowd of large gentlemen in colourful cotton knit shirts may ask for directions to something called the “RWC Party Zone”. And therefore, as a polite host wanting only the best for guests to our city, you may direct them to Cuckoo, this […]

NZ Country Blues

I’m posting this as I’m amused this band’s appearance on Good Morning is listed on their poster! Playing the San Fran Bath House tonight, $10

Two marches you might want to join

Wellingtonians have two great opportunities in the next couple of weeks to join important causes and demonstrate that you are decent human beings. On Thursday June 9,  a march will be held through Wellington city to help stop homophobia and transphobia on our streets. Then on Saturday June 25, a Slutwalk is happening. Queer the […]

Notional Significance: Gorge

[See all Notional Significance posts] The stretch of Hutt Rd from Kaiwarawhara to Ngauranga is a long, dry slog through an artificial valley. The western side is almost natural, covered by tenacious regeneration, but often cut, buttressed and battered to keep the slope from failing, occasionally sliced by gullies and roads that scrabble up to […]