Let the handmade revolution begin

Well ok it’s already started, but Wellington is making a giant leap forward in celebrating all things you can make by hand this Queens birthday weekend at HANDMADE 2011. Yes it’s a bold statement but when an event takes over Te Papa and the area around it you know it’s not just for a lark. […]

Wellywood Sign Song

Comedian Robbie Ellis – who you may remember for his show-stopping performance of Manners Mall Emo Song (Buslane Through My Heart) at the 2009 TAWAs – has a new video. In reaction to the hugely unpopular plan by Wellington Airport to erect a “WELLYWOOD” sign, Robbie has put his feelings into song. Sing along!

Oh god no

Remember when Wellington Airport, after the howls of protest and outright mockery, backed off on its cringe-inducing Wellywood sign idea and promised to go away and think of something better to celebrate our film industry? Well, they’ve had a good, long think about it, and this morning’s paper announces that they’ve come up with a […]

A conversation with Bernard Beckett

If you went to a high school in Welly during the last couple’o decades, you may have been taught by Bernard Beckett, and if you were a smart, articulate student, you might have got to actively participate in his classes (too bad if you weren’t). Or perhaps you’re one of the many people who like […]


It’s the third year for fabric-a-brac and demand is still as strong as when they began as a quirky little event for die hard fans of fabric. But now it’s a must attend day for anyone who loves making things. fabric-a-brac on Saturday features the usual fabric and sewing accessories gems, but  expanded out into […]

Web devs welcome in Wellington at WDCNZ

WDCNZ is tech talks for web developers happening on July 14. You can tell it’s a proper tech talk, because there is only one female speaker in the lineup, and so far there are no females attending according to Lanyrd, except for the organiser. Sigh. Apart from the lack of female representation, it looks like […]

Food Show, Glorious Food Show

You don’t have to buy us breakfast to wax lyrical about the Food Show, but they did anyway. The Food Show launch breakfast at Hippopotamus was so delicious that it has made me determined that the next time I get to stay overnight in the Museum Hotel, I must do whatever is necessary in order […]

Welcome to May-lasia

As well as carrying out all my usual duties as Empress of the Internet and Editor of the Wellingtonista, I’ve also been doing reviews of local Malaysian restaurants for Malaysia Kitchen – a global initiative that aims to educate and inform consumers about Malaysian cuisine and restaurants. It’s a hard life, being forced to eat […]



There are many many ways to make a decent cup of coffee. We are seeing some of these alternate methods returning to commercial use around Wellington’s more interesting cafés: the Swiss Gold; the Chemex; the V60; the cold drip… and the siphon. Dave Lamason, formerly Peoples Coffee’s barista trainer, is passionate about the siphon. So […]

Notional Significance: Reclamation

[See all Notional Significance posts] Kaiwharawhara is a node, a knot, a tangle of paths and histories. It’s where the eponymous stream meets the harbour, though quakes and reclamations have long since nudged the mouth seawards from its original position at the fault line, engulfing foreshore, shipwrecks and shellfish beds in the process. It’s where […]