Smells like year-old fish and rotten eggs. But awesome!

Has it really been a year since Fishhead magazine launched? Apparently so! Consequently, they’d like to party with you! There’s be cocktail specials, free entry and Wellington supergroup The Eggs playing. Fishhead birthday afterparty Thursday March 31, 9pm-midnight CQ Bar in the Quality Hotel, 223 Cuba Street. Last one in’s a rotten…

A lake of laksa

As it’s getting colder, and we’re getting colds, the minds of the Wellingtonista turn towards hot, spicy satisfaction. For some of us (well, at least me), this means laksa. But where on earth in Wellington can we find Malaysian food??? What’s that you say, on every second block? Okay, fine. But not all laksas are […]

Notional Significance: Resistance

[See all Notional Significance posts] I weave through concrete islands and metal barriers to the edge of the Basin Reserve. Just inside the fence is a monument to William Wakefield: as an abduction accomplice, mercenary, principled duelist and city father, he was the marginally more respectable of the Wakefield boys. The memorial is supposed to […]

Grey paint and padlocks

There was a photo in last Tuesday’s Dom Post of a paintbrush-toting chap in bright orange. Council employees wearing high-vis vests in the paper almost never means something good, and on reading the associated story* this was no exception: Wellington City Council workers yesterday started removing graffiti in a lane that links Ghuznee St with […]

Notional Significance: Underground

[See all Notional Significance posts] As I approach the tunnel mouth, I can’t help but notice the looming cliff to my right. I try to imagine the promised/threatened second tunnel, and the impact that its eastern portal will have on the landscape. I envision a giant tunnel-boring mole bursting from the mountainside, like one of […]

Wellington Killah Beez on the Swarm

We like our blue cheese served with honey at Pollux, and we like our cocktails honey-rimmed at S&M. It’s fair to say that we here at the Wellingtonista are fans of bees, no matter what their political affiliations may be. That said, everyone knows we’re a bunch of pinko lefties, so it’s only fitting that […]

Notional Significance: Isthmus

It’s a given: New Zealand is a young land. But this infant isthmus, earthquake-raised, has already suffered abuses and transformations that have left it far from tender. If psychogeography is, as Iain Sinclair says, “a way of psychoanalysing the psychosis of the place in which I happen to live”, then this place will be on […]

Craft Beer for Japan

To raise funds in the wake of the diaster in Japan, Hashigo Zake is holding a tasting of Japanese craft beer on Thursday 24th March at 6:30pm. All proceeds will be donated to the Japanese Red Cross. The tasting will feature Tokyo beer writer Rei Murakami, who will be bringing beer from breweries Baeren and […]

We be jammin’

Have you planned your Craft2.0 experience around Jam off? Because you should,as the Great Wellington Jamoff is happening during Craft2.0 on the 23rd of April and judging kicks off at 2pm. I promise it’s going to be beyond special. Last time, it pretty much shut down the old Bank Arcade during judging, not only because […]

Notional Significance: Takeoff

National significance begins with a roundabout: from the air it looks like a navel, the axis of the world, the green Omphalos where one begins. But what is beginning here? There’s a distinct impression that more traffic comes from the eastern suburbs via Broadway than from the airport itself, which would make this a somewhat […]