Narrative Playgrounds group show at Pixel Ink Gallery

Narrative Playgrounds is a group exhibition at Pixel Ink Gallery of visual works by emerging and established New Zealand artists. The common theme of the show is that the work is inspired by stories and the imagination. Gallery director, Rosalind Clark, said the exhibition is all about translating the imagination onto a blank canvas. The artist’s brief was to […]

Letting Space on the Terrace

From the public art programme which brought you Kim Paton’s Free Store and Tao Wells’ The Beneficiary’s Office (which both caused significant national media interest and debate) I’d like to present to you: Colin Hodson’s The Market Testament. An entire office building on Wellington City’s The Terrace is to be turned into a work of […]

Notional Significance: Resistance

[See all Notional Significance posts] I weave through concrete islands and metal barriers to the edge of the Basin Reserve. Just inside the fence is a monument to William Wakefield: as an abduction accomplice, mercenary, principled duelist and city father, he was the marginally more respectable of the Wakefield boys. The memorial is supposed to […]

Grey paint and padlocks

There was a photo in last Tuesday’s Dom Post of a paintbrush-toting chap in bright orange. Council employees wearing high-vis vests in the paper almost never means something good, and on reading the associated story* this was no exception: Wellington City Council workers yesterday started removing graffiti in a lane that links Ghuznee St with […]

Notional Significance: Takeoff

National significance begins with a roundabout: from the air it looks like a navel, the axis of the world, the green Omphalos where one begins. But what is beginning here? There’s a distinct impression that more traffic comes from the eastern suburbs via Broadway than from the airport itself, which would make this a somewhat […]

Notional Significance: Flyer

Before reaching the starting point of the journey, I need to take a preliminary journey, from something resembling the heart of the city to the start of the highway: the airport. That in itself tells us something about just where cities fit into the whole “National Significance” agenda. A city is never an end in […]

2011 Calendar by Tim Denee

If you’re a bit late in getting your 2011 calendar sorted out, you could do worse to download and print out Wellington graphic designer Tim Denee’s lovely (and free!) design. Get it over at his website.

PhotoChop III

On this week at Thistle Hall is the biennial PhotoChop exhibition, centred around the art of collage. It’s all about taking the ordinary paper materials, and with scissors and glue, turning it into something new, with a selection of fine works including repurposed postcards, a scenic Uruwera setting for Willie Apiata and a couple of […]

JUST GOOD STUFF is back for 2010

Craft madness!  Creative creations!  6 days to solve all your Christmas shopping needs, while supporting local creatives – it’s practically guilt-free! Featuring JUST GOOD STUFF from: Genevieve Packer, Gabby O’Connor, Lucy Adams, Phillipa Cowdrey, Alanah Gibson, Wendy Neale, Ngaere MacKinnon, Flora Waycott, Isel Greta Jane, Hermon & son, Flora Gray, Tess & Gab, Mary Adams, […]

TAWA5 Best Art Experience

Art experiences often don’t require wordy explanations, but whatever these experiences could be classed as, they definitely moved us.