Awful Orpheus

[Content note for misogynist, racist and homophobic language] It’s not often that I’ll go out of my way to write bad things about a hospitality business, unless it’s a paid reviewing gig and the place is hopelessly dreadful. But I’ll make an exception when the experience is actively repugnant and based upon a fundamentally flawed concept. […]

Review: Te Pō

Three men gather in a room. Detective Inspector Brett is looking for Bruce Mason who has gone missing. Reverend Athol Sedgewick had dinner with Mason the night before last and is possibly the last person to see him before he disappeared. Werihe has an eight o’clock appointment with the playwright. No-one has any idea where he […]

Eat. Drink. Power. People. Pods

Our Kris has been doing an AMAZING job with all her theatre reviews, while the rest of us slack off, so let me attempt to put that slightly more in balance with one post about all the things I’ve been meaning to write about forever. Eat / Drink / Power / People / Pods Jano. Go […]

NZ Fringe impressions

Real quick impressions of 3 NZ Fringe shows They’re all worth your money. A note on koha: Most of the shows I’ve seen are recommending between $10-$20 for koha. BRING CHANGE. It’s just rude to reach into the koha box because you’ve only got a $20. If you’ve only got a $20 give the performers […]

Review: Hart

There is a ring of white in the middle of the stage. A man stands inside it, slightly to the side. In the dark we listen to politicians and radio hosts discuss Indigenous Australians. Taken from their families ‘for their own good’, ‘to save them from themselves’. A lone voice offers an apology. The sobering […]

NZ Fringe Festival reviews x 3

Reviews for three neat shows in the Fringe Festival. Seeing the city: a tasting menu by Ania and Kim Upstill, at 17 Tory street, final showing 19 February 2016 We are greeted at the door by Ania Upstill and invited to wash our hands. She directs us on to Pippiajna Tui who shows us to […]

Review: Vladimir the Crow: Whispering Ghoul

A bare stage greets us at the Gryphon Theatre.  It seems bigger than usual with a soundscape that hints at vast desolate spaces where the only thing alive is the whistling wind. Then noise! Lights! And a tattered creature that stutters out from the wings as if glimpsed by lightning flashes. Vladimir the Crow is […]

Reviews of Hillary Clinton / Young Lover and Discharge goes back to school

Review: Hillary Clinton / Young Lover Richard Meros is back. Older, more travelled, more ambitious in his attempt to bring about a golden age of trans-pacific partnerships.  He’s convinced Hillary Clinton needs a young lover to boost her poll ratings so that she can get into the White House. (And be in charge.) (Of the […]

Preview: Hillary Clinton / Young Lover

Dashing Millennial Richard Meros is back in town with a persuasive argument that outlines the conditions and possibilities of Hillary Clinton taking him as her Young Lover prior to the 2016 Presidential Election. (You may recall him attempting the same thing with Helen Clark before election night 2008.)  I asked him some questions before his […]

The Cuban Brothers are ready for Cuba St but is it ready for them‽

On Friday, 5 February San Fran on Cuba St is being swept up in an “unstoppable, infectious force of nature” when The Cuban Brothers take the stage in Wellington for the first time in five years. Combining “sexy, soulful music with jaw-dropping b-boy action and riotous comedy” The Cuban Brothers are born entertainers, who will have you […]