In which we bring you breaking news

Something’s going on in Wellington. Bus drivers in Hataitai were only taking money for one section from passengers, warning them they’d have to walk the other section any way. Four trolley buses are parked along Cambridge Terrace with their hazzard lights on. At least four more buses are parked along Courtenay Place. There were mutterings […]

Eat and eat and eat some more

At last those of us who are not sportingly inclined have a reason to visit the Cake Tin, and what a reason it is! The annual food show is upon us again, and I hope you’ve been training. There really are few things that match drinking large amounts of tiny little cups of wine and […]

Bus(t) a move

So, as part of the big shiny Metlink rebranding, they’re going to change zones and prices, and they’d like you to have a say. Wondering what this means and how it might affect you? Well, if you’re under 18 or over 65, you might get 50% off your fares, provided you show a photo ID. […]

Test your knowledge

I’m writing questions for a work Quiz Night that we’re going to be having tomorrow, and decided that it would be good to have a ‘Courtenay Place and its surroundings’ round, given the location of this particular branch of the Wellingtonista. How well will you do at answering these questions in the comments, without googling, […]

Solo 22 – Voyages

Of course, we here at the Wellingtonista would never blow our own trumpets, but we’re happy to blow our families’ – in a non Southland kind of way, of course – so we’re pleased to tell you about the new exhibition on at the Academy Gallery called Solo 22. There’s paintings and sculptures by other […]

A natural love

Dear fellow Wellingtonistas and the good people of Wellington in general, If the weather is as gorgeous tomorrow as it is today, you must do what I did at lunchtime today – get golden crisp fish’n chips from Thorndon Fish’n Chips (don’t let the name fool you, it’s next to A-Mart and across the road […]

What Wellington Wants

Martha wants you to tell her where the hot wait staff are. Tom wants a tiki bar. Joanna wants you to vote for her for Prom Queen when you go the Toi Whakaari Prom tomorrow. What do you want?

A date for the prom

When’s the last time you stood by the wall hoping that someone would ask you to dance, and then they did, and you put your hands on their shoulders and they put their hands on your waist and you stepped left, and then you stepped right and oh man, it was so exciting, and you […]

Your last supper

Let Wellingtonista point you towards the Last Supper Club’s bible-quoting yummy sounding menu that’s available at their website. Yesterday it was more elaborate, while the restaurant features a much more simple version. However, today, the real menu is online. We all live happily ever after. Here’s a hot tip for you – if you are […]

Being part of the community

It’s all very good and well reading Wellingtonista every day, and thinking to yourself “hurrah, I am an active part of Wellington! I am hip and young and down with the kids” – but what have you done for the community lately? I’m not talking about giving to charity, or coaching a sports team, or […]