Announcing the Wellingtonista Quiz League

It’s oooooooooooooon! We are very happy to present you with a starting date for the Wellingtonista Quiz League – Tuesday July 24. We’d love you to participate. Not only will you get to flex your brain muscles and check out the quiz nights at four different pubs, but you’ll also get to network with likeminded people and have a lot of fun. So now you need to find yourself three friends, send us an email to wellingtonista @ or leave us a comment here with your team name, and sign up to the mailing list for Quiz League announcements which may look suspiciously like the Bowling League mailing list. We’ll let you know which inner-city pub we’re starting at closer to the time.

After the break, the rules. Any questions?

Wellingtonista Twitter

Being the hep cool web cats that we are, the Wellingtonista has recently set ourselves up a Twitter account so that we can send out updates about what you should do with yourselves. If you’re already a twitter user, head on over to our account and sign up to receive the word from the streets, generally at a one-or-two updates per day rate. If you haven’t used Twitter before, we’ve got a little specific how-to after the jump.

Early warning: The Wellingtonista Quiz League

I’ve been rather quiet on the Wellingtonista front (well, for me anyway) because I’ve been busy finishing up my contract and looking for a new job (anyone who knows of a new home for a person with tremendous writing, editing and communication skills who knows the internets like the back of her hand should get in touch), but when I come back from a tropical holiday, the Wellingtonista will be very very excited to announce the start of the Wellingtonista Quiz League.

This will be held a different inner-city pub each week on Tuesday night for four weeks, and point totals is what you’re after. So start assembling your team of four now, and look out for more details in the second week of July.

You will want to enter this, no one who participated in the Bowling League regretted it, and I’m sure they would happily furnish you with testmonials about the awesomeness that is participating in a Wellingtonista event!

WBL: Results round three

Oooh! Things are really getting exciting now.

Former league champions Xero took on Clemenger last night and didn’t come out victorious.

Meanwhile the random point awarded for most gutter balls (chosen by Silverstripe as last week’s random point winners) allowed the Bowlingtonista to give up last place to ClickSuite – although if I could repeat my hilarious joke about there being no ‘I’ in ‘Wellngtonsta Bowlng League’, ClickSuite did once again have the highest scoring individual player. Ryan managed to beat Clemenger’s Dr. Broad for that title even though Dr Broad got four strikes in a row, and ClickSuite are no doubt weighed down by their ridiculous facial hair that they’re growing for Maystache.

And while Bowltron had promised to form into one mighty lion if their score went over 500, unfortunately that just didn’t come to pass. They still creamed us though, even despite our attempts at distraction with clever rhyming chants. League table and individual points after the jump.


Occasionally, and only just occasionally my geek side shine though. This happens to be one of those days, so for your enlightenment and please I present The Wellingtonista in graph form.

In case all those colours confuse you this is what they mean…

  • blue: for links
  • red: for tables
  • green: for the DIV tag
  • violet: for images (the IMG tag)
  • yellow: for forms (FORM, INPUT, TEXTAREA, SELECT and OPTION tags)
  • orange: for linebreaks and blockquotes (BR, P, and BLOCKQUOTE tags)
  • black: the HTML tag, the root node
  • gray: all other tags

…and if you are still confused, don’t worry I am also, but don’t we look pretty 🙂

If you want to see our graph magically populate check out. After which you can try your own web site.

WBL Round 2: The results

  Won Dr. Pt. Rnd. Total
Xero 2 2 2 0 12
Clemenger 2 2 0 0 10
Silverstripe 1 2 0 1 7
Bowltron 1 2 0 0 6
Bowlingtonista 0 2 0 0 2
Clicksuite 0 2 0 0 2
Dr: Drink Bonus, Pt: Points Bonus, Rnd: Random Bonus.

Team results and commentary after the jump.

Wellingtonista on Public Address Radio

Well, it aired a couple of weeks ago, but the Wellingtonista vibe is fairly timeless, so, if you missed it first time around, here’s Russell Brown of Public Address fame being shown a night on the town by Wellington’s largest blogging collective…

If you want to stream the show via your default music player (so you can listen while browsing away from this page), click here.

Download the show for offline listening by clicking here (right click, save as…, etc.)

Or just hit play (and remember not to close the page)…

Whichever way you do it, it’s going to be a 7.84mb hit to your traffic.

WBL Round 1: the results

So we met, we bowled, great epic battles were fought, and drinking was the winner on the day. And also Xero. Here’s the league points so far.

  Played Won Drawn Drink bonus Points Bonus Total
Bowlingtonista 1 0 0 1 0 1
Bowltron 1 1 0 1 0 5
Clemenger 1 1 0 1 0 5
Clicksuite 1 0 0 1 0 1
Silverstripe 1 0 0 1 0 1
Xero 1 1 0 1 1 6

Team bowling scores are after the jump.

The Wellingtonista Bowling League Draw

It gives us tremendous pleasure to announce the draw of our Bowling League. Brave (but foolish for thinking they could possibly beat us) teams from Xero, Silverstripe, Click Suite, Clemenger BBDO and the fantastically named Bowltron will be taking part and therefore get massive karma points.


Round 1 will be Tuesday 24th at 8pm at The Lanes on Wakefield St.

The rules on the night are as follows:

  • If at the end of the game your team’s sum total (total of all four players) is higher than your opposition’s then you get four competition points.
  • If your team consumes more than four alcoholic beverages (or averages more than one per player) you get a bonus competition point
  • The team with the highest sum total on the night gets an extra bonus point.

So if you booze up and roll like a god your team could come away with 6 points.

Expect to see many people at Clemenger crying on Wednesday morning after the Bowlingtonista give them the thrashing of their lives. Hurrah!

Martha on the Front Page of the DomPost

Hard on the heels of one of their worst front pages ever, the DomPost goes some way to redeeming itself by putting one the of Wellingtonista above the fold in today’s issue…

Nice work Martha. Way to fly the flag undies.