Webstock 2014 Wednesday Warmup with the Wellingtonista and Web Drive

It’s that special time again! For the fifth year in a row, we’d like to invite you to come and have a drink with us before the Webstock conference. You know the deal with this by now – it’s not an official Webstock event but they like us, and it IS an official Wellingtonista event. […]

Wellington on the other side of the world

We all know that Wellington is the centre of the universe, but did you know there’s a Wellington that’s the center of the universe as well? Not so long ago, we got an email from Rick of Walk about Wellington. Yup, that’s right, there’s a Wellington in Florida, USA as well. We answered some questions about […]

Eats, rides and city living (and now earthquakes!)

This post is an introduction since the folks at Wellingtonista have kindly invited me to join their merry band (and I now have an unexpected day off since the office is closed). So a little about me ….  I LOVE Wellington, food, events, eating experiences, movies, solo Saturday morning wanders, soaking up the city vibe, […]

Domestic violence isn’t funny. Hopefully these comedians are

Last week, we gave away a pass t0 Raybon Kan’s comedy show as a favour to a friend. On hearing about what his show contained, I am so very sorry we did. Jokes about Chris Brown beating his girlfriend? Not okay.  Here are some handy New Zealand statistics from Women’s Refuge One in three women […]

Another craft beer bar for Wellington

Opening this Friday is another craft beer bar called Golding’s Free Dive, at 14 Leeds Street. That’s right by Pizza Pomodoro, for those of you playing along at home, and they’ll be making full use of their location. Golding’s Free Dive conveniently shares the courtyard with Pomodoro Pizza, which is just as well as Pomodoro will […]

Drunken conversations: Beth from Eat and Greet

Everyone who’s a drinker knows that the best conversations happen when you are plied with good food and good drinks, so I’ve decided I’m going to interview some choice Wellingtonians after we have been imbibing together. First on the plate is Beth from Eat and Greet which launched last year and is doing a really great […]

What not to wear to the sevens

It’s that time of year when people will call us buzzkills for not enjoying having our streets extra-clogged with vomit and having all of our female friends feel extra unsafe on the streets because of all the douchecanoes who think that because they’re wearing a costume they can harass with impunity. But we’re not buzzkills, […]

Official Wellingtonista Unofficial Webstock Wednesday Warmup time again!

It’s that special time again! For the fourth year in a row, we’d like to invite you to come and have a drink with us before the Webstock conference. Once again,  we’ll be at the Fork and Brewer, upstairs in Bond Street, from 5.30pm on Wednesday February 13. Spot us by our Webstock satchels,  Instagramming […]

More Auckland vs Wellington malarky

Recently menus.co.nz put up a piece called Auckland is the capital of cuisine – not Wellington, and then asked a number of Wellington food bloggers to respond. The Auckland internet seems to be very short of space, as our response was edited quite heavily(*) despite sticking to the word limit (and links changed to promote […]

What do they want and how do they get there?

Rotary Forum has a question to ask. We have a rare opportunity: Wellington is what we make it and you can be part of shaping it. Now in its second successful year, this highly topical community forum asks; what kind of city and region do we want? How should community views be expressed in local […]