The Wellingtonista events calendar – you know you want it

The Wellingtonista has a calendar of events that we think you really REALLY want to know about. We also know that you want this vital information delivered into your own calendar – easy peasy, just follow the instructions after the break …

Wellingtonista Radio Show

Just a wee heads up: I’ll be presenting the very first Wellingtonista Radio Show on The VBC tonight. The VBC is the student owned and operated/community LPFM radio station broadcasting on 88.3FM, based at the Kelburn Campus of Victoria University of Wellington, in New Zealand.


Patting ourselves on our collective back. Again.

So, 2007 has pretty much kicked some ass, and sucked some ass, but let’s concentrate on the goodness.

In 2007, the Wellingtonista:

  • Gained eight new members (Anna, Che, Dan, Kimberley, Kowhai, MG, Mitch, Stephen and Sue)
  • Got four new dayjobs (Me, Llew, MG, Noizy)
  • Grew one baby (Kimberley)
  • Opened one shop (Martha)
  • Launched one magazine (Mitch)
  • Got Russell Brown drunk a couple of times
  • Hugged Blam Blam Blam
  • Made a total of at least six appearences in the Dom Post, not counting Kimberley’s stories
  • Got on the bad side of Rex Nicholls and John McGrath
  • Had a 1100% increase in voting for our awards.

Yay for us! What are your predictions for 2008?

Well, hi there sailors


Hi. I’m new. I’ve been recently invited to write for this fabulous website, so here’s hoping I don’t make a complete dick of myself in my first post.

Introducing yourself to hundreds, possibly thousands of readers is a tough one to pull off. Even though I’m a writer by trade – a features journo for the Dominion Post – I figure who needs actual sentences when summing yourself up is best done by a list:

Things I like:
– Craft
– French food
– Red things.

Things I may post about in the future:
– Why bus drivers have PMT at the moment
– The chronic shortage of decent maternity wear in this city
– Suburban cat politics
– Best hairstyles for windy weather
– Why living in a cul-de-sac is the coolest thing since red shiny shorts in the 1970s.

I usually have a home at Special K where I make lists, talk about my cat, ponder my gradually expanding body, and wax lyrical about the people I meet through my awesome job. Hopefully, what I write on here will be much, much more interesting.

Look forward to meeting y’all. K

Bus woes

Stupid busesI’ve avoided it as long as I can but I’m going to have to start laying into the Wellington buses. This will serve two purposes — to gather a weight of evidence with which to construct a platform from which I can launch a series of more formal remonstrances; and possibly more importantly, to make me feel better.

I have begun a journal of woe — chronicling my problems and frustrations — and you can join in too, if you want.

WQL Results: Round Three

So, a lot of stupid decisions were made last night. Over a pre-quiz dinner at Tulsi, the Wellingtonista thought that as well as drinking the wine they’d won at the Bristol last week, it was a good idea to drink two cans each of Kingfisher Strong, and then build a tower out of the cans. We’re paying the price for that today. Then, deciding to do the quiz at JJ Murphy’s was also a stupid idea, because it took forever. And most stupidly at all, we forgot that when you do anything with hubris, there’s that whole pride goes before a fall thing, and so Xero beat us. By one point! Oh god, the humanity. Silverstripe, the Alohas and the M team all get 69 points since they weren’t there (why oh why do you hate us so, Silverstripe?). So the scores look like this:

Alohas: 209
Click Suite: 213.5
M Team: 201
Silverstripe: 205
Wellingtonista: 264
Xero: 227

Wellingtonista Quiz League results: Round two

WQL logoLast night the WQL hit the Bristol, where the quiz had the advantage of ever-so high tech computer graphics on screen, and the opportunity to win an ice machine and waffle-maker in the jackpot draw, but the disadvantage of a quiz master who refused to pronounce ‘Quizingtonista’ properly. Because we couldn’t book, the bar was stupidly full, but luckily ClickSuite are bolshy enough to ask people to leave to give them tables. The Alohas were wearing their leis again, but didn’t get extra points for them this time. The M team almost lost points for trying to steal one of our players (we swear that most of them were purely ornamental!) but escaped because it was lovely to meet the Americans for the first time. But you know, if I wasn’t so damn hubristic and full of myself, I’d be starting to worry that I smell bad or something because neither Silverstripe nor Xero showed up for quiz last night. So we’ll award them 72 points each, and I will comfort myself with the bar tabs that we keep winning.

Points so far:

  • Alohas: 140
  • Click Suite: 144.5
  • M: 132
  • Silverstripe: 136
  • Quizingtonista: 179
  • Xero: 141

So it’s looking like a pretty close game right now, and anyone could take out second and third places…

Wellingtonista Quiz League results: Round one

WQL logoSo, tonight was the inaugural round of the WQL, and I reckon it went quite well, really. Quiztron and the M-Team were no-shows (I understand why the M-Team weren’t there, but I really missed Quiztron), so if they can make it next week they’ll start out with the same points as the lowest-scoring team tonight. Which happened to be the Alohas, even though they got a bonus point for their costumes (dude, they all totally got lei’ed). Silverstripe almost lost a point because Matt tried to make me cry (I can’t remember the context, except that they kept trying to sit at our table), but ultimately they earned a bonus point for their can-can.

Points so far:

  • Alohas: 61
  • Click Suite: 71.5
  • Silverstripe: 64
  • Quizingtonista: 85
  • Xero: 69

Woo haa! Stayed tuned for the announcement of next week’s venue. If you want to join us, let me know, you’ll be starting out on 60.

The Wellingtonista Socialite Part I

It’s been a banner week here at the Wellingtonista Towers for drinking networking opportunities. Yesterday was the VIP night at Beckon, tonight was a Ponoko showcase at the Paramount, and tomorrow we’re meeting up to discuss our evil plans for world domination.

Find out what we’ve been up to after the jump.

Announcing the Wellingtonista Quiz League

It’s oooooooooooooon! We are very happy to present you with a starting date for the Wellingtonista Quiz League – Tuesday July 24. We’d love you to participate. Not only will you get to flex your brain muscles and check out the quiz nights at four different pubs, but you’ll also get to network with likeminded people and have a lot of fun. So now you need to find yourself three friends, send us an email to wellingtonista @ or leave us a comment here with your team name, and sign up to the mailing list for Quiz League announcements which may look suspiciously like the Bowling League mailing list. We’ll let you know which inner-city pub we’re starting at closer to the time.

After the break, the rules. Any questions?